The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He described the lover as being outside the weight of actions on the weight considered in wisdom.

He seeks correct thought, and the lover has no idea about the management of the universe, but his concern and preoccupation with mentioning his beloved has become excessive in his imagination, so he does not know the quantities. If his beloved is God, for what his heart can accommodate, then that is outside. Regarding weight, nothing weighs it. Do you not see the pronunciation of His remembrance, and it is the word “There is no god but God” that does not enter the scale, and when its card was entered in terms of what was written in the scale to the owner of the records, the records became blurred and it did not weigh anything, and if the types of the world were to be weighed, it would not be weighed, and it is a word of He said that he was not characterized by love, so what do you think of the saying of a lover? What do you think of his condition? What do you think of his heart, w

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He described the lover as saying about himself that he appointed his beloved to consume him in him.

He does not see him as anything other than a god. Their speaker said that.

I am the one I love and the one I love.

This is the case of Abu Yazid, the lover of God, who loved some of His servants, so they were his hearing, sight, tongue, and all his faculties .

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He described the lover as being a hard worker who does not say to his beloved, “Why did I do this and why did I say that?”

Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, said: I served the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, for ten years, and he did not tell me about anything I did, “Why did I do it,” or anything? I did not do it, why you did not do it, because he saw the behavior of his beloved in him, and the behavior of the beloved in the lover does not explain, rather he submits, rather he takes pleasure, because the lover is burned by a fire that burns everything you find in his heart. Nothing but his beloved is jealousy. He makes an effort and does not see that he is loyal, and it does not occur to him that he has moved. In what pleases his God-loving beloved, in this place, not an atom moves except with His permission. So how can he say “why” and “what he did” except he. He says the truth to his beloved, “I am your hand.” Every beloved has a necessar

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The true lover said

Whoever claims that he will conceal his love until he doubts it is a liar

Love is more powerful to the heart by its oppression ***than to see that concealment has a share in it

And if The secret of the intelligent man has become apparent, for *** he only appeared when the boy was defeated

I envy someone with a reserved passion *** who was not accused by eyes and hearts < /p

Love is a force that does not leave a veil without tearing it, nor a secret that does not reveal it. Its exhalations are rising and its expressions are successive. Its limbs bear witness to it, including the ailments and sleepless nights it bears, and its conditions are enriched by it. If it speaks, it speaks something that does not make sense. It has neither patience nor fortitude. Its

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He described the lover as not knowing that he is a lover with great longing. He does not know for whom his affection is great.

He does not know about the one for whom his beloved is not distinguished. Excessive closeness is a veil, so he finds traces of love and the image of his beloved has clothed him, which controls his imagination. He seeks him from outside, but does not find what he embraced. His image in himself is due to the apparent intensity of the loving kindness of the inner being with the meaning that he takes from the beloved and raises it in himself, and that meaning that the lover raises from him is what worries him and disturbs him. He is in it and does not know that he is in it, so he does not seek it except through it. The gentle one is absent from the senses. He says and does not understand what he says or what he says. My heart is with my beloved

My heart is lost, where can I seek it? *** I do not see my bod

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