The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Their love was divided and united over him in the afterlife, when he did not see his beloved, who is the divinity, except in him in particular. Therefore, it was preceded by mercy, the strength of both parties, and the weakness of the intermediary, including the partnership, and we have explained all of that in the above. This is the difference between love and passion, and as for love, it is excessive love or excessive love. And this is what He said about those who believe. The love of God is stronger, and it is with His attributes. If that which is called love is taken and its manifestation is in the seed of the heart, by which it is also called love, then it covers man in its entirety and blinds him to everything except his Beloved, and that truth spreads throughout all parts of his body, his powers, and his soul, and flows within him. The blood was in his veins and his flesh, and all his joints were flooded, connecting with his presence and embracing all his parts, body and so

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As for friendliness, it is the steadfastness of love, adoration, or passion, whatever the condition of this quality, so if its possessor described by it is established over it and nothing else is done about it and does not remove it from its ruling, then its authority is established in the activating and compulsive, and what is bad and easy in the event of abandonment and expulsion from the existing being that He loves for his beloved to appear in him, and he does not depart under his authority because he is the manifestation of his beloved. That is why it is called love, and it is the Almighty’s saying, “The Most Merciful will give them love,” meaning steadfastness in love with God and in the hearts of His servants. This is the meaning of love, and love has very many conditions in lovers that I will mention, God willing, such as longing, love, longing, melancholy, and crying. Sadness, liver, withering, brokenness, and the like are among those that characterize lovers, and they me

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