The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The appearance of wisdom in the body was for the spirit, so actions and movements appeared from it for the sake of his spirit, and his spirit was absent, because the waw does not exist in the testimony because it was deleted due to its being silent and the nun being silent, so it works from behind the veil, so it is absent from the eye and the wisdom is visible, so the purpose of our love for him is for us to know the truth of what our love is. It is a psychological characteristic of the lover, or a moral one in him, or a relationship between the lover and the beloved, and it is the relationship that attracts the lover to seek connection with the beloved. We said that it is a psychological characteristic of the lover. If it is said that we see it disappearing, we say that it is impossible for it to disappear except with the disappearance of the lover from existence, and the lover does not cease from existence, so love does not disappear, but what makes sense is its disappearance.

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In spiritual love

It is the comprehensive love in which the lover loves his beloved for his beloved and for himself, since natural love does not love the beloved except for the sake of himself

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Know that if spiritual love is characterized by reason and knowledge, then with his mind he is wise and with his wisdom he is knowledgeable, so he arranges things in the order of wisdom and does not go beyond their levels. So he knows if he loves what love is, what the meaning of the lover is, what the truth of the beloved is, what he wants from the beloved, and whether his beloved has will and choice, so he loves what the beloved loves. Or does he not have a will, so he loves only for himself, or an existent who does not want his beloved to exist except in the eyes of that existent, then to this extent we say of the existent that he is loved, even if he is only in him, not in his essence. So that existent, if he is one of those characterized by will, can love him for himself, not for himself, even if he is not characterized. By will, the lover does not love his beloved except for himself, I mean for the lover’s own soul, not for his beloved, for his beloved is not described as ha

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