The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Man is thus prepared for this special manifestation, so he appeared with the names of the truth on their opposite sides and gave him the right in what explained to him their meanings, so he appears by what appeared from him who appointed him as successor, which is what is called in the caliphate with truth and justice. God said to David, “Indeed, we have made you a caliph on the earth, so judge between the people according to the truth and do not follow inclinations,” and he who follows him falls. About this degree for which you were qualified and which was qualified for you and people like you, as Abu Al-Atahiya said

The caliphate came to him submissively *** to him dragging its tails

And it was only suitable for him *** and it was only suitable for her

And if he threw it away No one other than him *** The earth would have been sha

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It is one of the sciences of knowledge, and it is the knowledge of man himself in terms of his facts .

Know that man was not given control over the world because he is a human, but rather he was given that by a divine, divine power, as nothing can control the world except by a rightful attribute and nothing else, and it is in man an inexhaustible test. Honor, even if it was an honor, she would remain with him in the afterlife in the abode of the happy. And if it were an honor, he would not have been told, “Do not follow his desires,” so it was prohibited for him, and prohibition is a trial, and honor is absolute. Control is not to be attributed to justice, nor to genitals, nor is the caliphate in the world except the people of God. Rather, God has been entrusted with control in the world. Whoever God has made happy with, and whoever is miserable among the believers, despite this, the Truth has commanded us to listen to him and obey, and not withdraw a hand from obedience, and

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