The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

They accepted the attribute of resemblance, but did not understand the attribute of exaltation, “There is nothing like Him.” The group that is saved from these sects who are afflicted with the truth is the one who believed in what came from God according to God’s will and His knowledge in that, while denying the comparison to “There is nothing like Him.” So this, O Guardian of tongues. Laws in the world, so he brought the image in relation to the truth, the eye, the hand, the foot, the hearing, the sight, contentment, anger, hesitation, frowning, astonishment, joy, laughter, boredom, deception, deception, mockery, sarcasm, striving, running, descending, straightening, determination in proximity, patience in the face of harm, and so on, which is an attribute of created beings. This is so that we may generally believe and know that the divine manifestation In the essence of possible things He gave these attributes, there is no witness or witnessed except God. The Sunnah of the laws

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It is one of the sciences of knowledge, which is the knowledge of perfection and imperfection in existence.

Know that part of the perfection of existence is the presence of imperfection in it, since if it were not for it, then the perfection of existence would be incomplete by the lack of deficiency in it. God Almighty said, regarding the perfection of everything other than God, He gave everything its creation. He did not lack anything in the first place, even the deficiency was given to him by his creation. This is the perfection of the world, which is everything other than God except God, then man. God has a perfection that befits Him, and man has a perfection that He accepts. And whoever falls short of this perfection among human beings, that is the deficiency that is in the world, because man is among the totality of the world, and every human being is not before perfection. Everything other than him is perfect in his rank, not missing anything according to the text of the

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