The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)


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It appears that the name God is for the Essence, like knowledge. What is meant by derivation, even if it has the smell of derivation, as some of the Arabic scholars of this matter see it. As for the names of pronouns, they indicate the Essence without a doubt, and they are not derived, such as He, The, I, You, Us, the Ya from Ani, and the Kaf from Ani. That you is a word is the name of the third person pronoun, and pronouns are not specific to the truth, but rather they are for every implicit person, so it is a word that indicates an absent entity with the introduction of words that indicate it to the listener, and if it is not like that, then there is no benefit in it. Therefore, it is not permissible to place the implicit before the mention except in the necessity of poetry because the poet adheres to it in terms of metres. And he recited the fulfillment of that.

His Lord rewarded on my behalf Adi bin Hatim.

So he put the pronoun before the remembrance, b

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