The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

On the addition of the kaf, it is raised for the objective occasion and the completion of the verse, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, is proof of the occasion, and the verse is the same and the words are different, so we do not deviate from this argument, as it is the strongest argument, and it is what we went to in terms of imitating the truth, for it is the path of knowledge and salvation in this world and the hereafter, and it is the path of the prophets and messengers and those who say of the abundance of the divine. If knowledge comes to you from God, do not include it in the balance of thought, and do not allow your mind to do so, for you will perish in your time. Divine knowledge does not enter the balance because it is the one who gave it. So how can its giver enter under His representative rule? He does not judge the one who appointed him as successor, but rather judges the one over whom he appointed his successor. Knowledge contradicts the mind, for Reason is a

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In Witr

which is a type of monotheism. Know that Witr in Lisan al-Arab means seeking revenge. The oneness of truth was only characterized by Witr because it sought revenge for the oneness of the One who revealed the two with His presence, so it increased to an infinite number of numbers. Then when it was removed by this manifestation. The rule of oneness, so the oneness of truth began to seek the remnant of the removed oneness, the essence of which was removed, this One, through whose presence multiplicity appeared, and it seeks oneness, so it is called the Witr for this request. So this one appointed someone to act on his behalf to defend him, so the knower appointed an agent with a tongue of truth, and he said, O ruler, the seeker, the revolt of oneness has not gone, but rather this is the one who You require what He gave the two, nor the three, nor the four, and so on, for He does not give what its reality does not require. Rather, He who gave us the two is the oneness of t

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In the individual

As for the individual, it is from the ruling of this chapter and it is called by it because it is unique in what distinguishes it from His creation, so it is not individual in terms of what it is one, for it is one for itself and individual because it is distinguished from the oneness of everything, and the individual is not valid for anyone other than Him, Glory be to Him, for He is all. Whatever is other than God has some of it in common with others and is distinguished by its oneness and is not unique, for the attribute of participation precludes that, so the name “individual” is valid in reality only for God, the Truth, in particular, since He is individual in all aspects, since He does not have the attribute of participation as other existents do. Therefore, limits require existing things, and God does not require Him. A definition, and there is no equivalent to it, like or against it, God Almighty, and all of His names have individuality, for they have

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