The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And in everything there is a sign *** indicating that it is one.

And that verse is the oneness of every known thing, whether it is many or not. Multiplicity has the singularity of multiplicity and does not have anything else at all, and singularity is an attribute that is transcendent to the truth, so it is not by the making of a Maker as some of our companions see it. So whoever says that he united the one and means by it what he wants by unity is not correct, and if by saying he united the one he means the other tribes, then this is correct, but the one in terms of his essence is one. For himself, the people of God’s path saw that if monotheism is proven to be the same as polytheism, then the one for himself is not one by proving that he is one. So you have not proven it, rather it is established for itself and you knew that it is one, not that you have proven that it is one. For this reason one of our companions said his saying,

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And know that the law does not challenge the oneness of the essence in itself in any way, but rather stipulates the unification of divinity and its oneness, that there is no god but Him, but that is from the curiosity of the mind, because the mind has a lot of curiosity, which led to it by the judgment of thought over it and all the powers that are in man, so there is nothing. It is more imitative than the mind, and it imagines that it is the possessor of divine guidance, but rather it is the possessor of intellectual evidence, for the guide of thought takes it wherever it wants, and the mind is like a blind man, in fact, it is blind to the path of truth. The people of God did not imitate their thoughts, for the created being does not imitate the created being, so they tended to imitate God, so they recognized God by God, for He is according to what He is. He said about himself: What is it according to what the curiosity of the mind has judged it to be? And how should the rational

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