The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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On the exalted level, and it is the highest, for the truth, as a matter of truth, does not apply to the highest, for it is one of the nouns of addition and a kind of proper object, so it is not the highest, the lowest, or the middle, which deviates from that, and God Almighty is great in exaltation. Rather, the ratio of the highest, the middle, and the lowest to Him is one ratio, so if it is exalted, it departs from a limit. The command, and the veil of hearing was pierced, and the highest station was attained, so the meme was elevated by viewing the ancient, and he was given complete praise by blessed be the name of your Lord, the Possessor of Majesty and Honour, so the name was the same as the one named. Likewise, the servant is the eye of the master. Whoever humbles himself to God, God will exalt him. And in the authentic reports, the truth is the servant’s hand, his foot, his tongue, his hearing, and his sight. < /p


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Then know that each letter of Bism is a triangle on the layers of the worlds, so the name of the Ba is Ba, Alif and Hamza, and the name of Sin is Sin, Ya, and Nun, and the name of Meem is Meem, Yaa, Meem, and Yaa is like the Baa, which is the reality of the servant in the chapter on calling. How noble is this existent, how it is confined to a worshiper and an idol, for this is an absolute honor. There is no opposite for it, because nothing but the existence of the Almighty God and the existence of the servant is pure non-existence with no essence .

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Then he calmed the “S” from “Bismam” under the humiliation of poverty and want, just as we rested under the obedience of the Messenger when he said, “Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed God,” so the “S” became silent from “Bismam” so that she would receive from the “Ba” the truth and certainty. If she had moved before she had calmed down, she would have become steadfast in herself and there would be fear for her from lawsuits, and she is a sacred “Sin,” so she remained still when It received from the B the required truth, and it was given movement. It did not move in some cases until after the B had gone, since the student’s speech in the presence of the sheikh about a matter was bad manners, unless he orders him, then obeying the command is etiquette. So he said, when the letter leaves the letter, he addresses the people of the lost claim about what happened to him in the highest position. I will turn away. My signs are for those who are arrogant. Then he moved to those who ob

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Then know that the tanween is in Bismillah to achieve worship and signs of subordination. When the tanwin appeared from him, the clear truth chose him by adding honor and empowerment, and he said, “In the name of God,” so he deleted the worshipful tanwin to add it to the divine station, and since the tanwin was created for this reason, this verification is valid for him, otherwise silence is more deserving of it, so know. End of Part Nine

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God’s saying from “In the Name of God” You, O guided one, must first know what letters occur in this noble word, and then the speech will take place over it, God willing, and its letters are A L L A E. The first thing I say is a general, symbolic speech, and then we will begin to explain it to make it easier for a scholar to accept. Installation

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This is because the servant became attached to the Alif, like those who were forced to seek refuge, so the first Lām revealed to him purity and caused him victory from non-existence and salvation. When his appearance was correct and his light spread throughout existence, and his attachment to the named was correct, and his creation with names was nullified, the second Lām annihilated him with the witnesses of the Alif, after which annihilation, and no remnants of it remained, and that is the hope that it will be revealed to him. Then the waw came after the haa to enable what was meant, and the haa remained because it existed last when the servants were wiped out due to stubbornness. That is the time of the appointed term, and this is the place in which the conditions of the walkers disappear and the stations of the walkers disappear until the one who never was is destroyed and the one who has not ceased remains. Nothing else remains established for his appearance and no darkness r

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