The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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It is necessary to talk about the Basmalah, and perhaps the talk will fall on some verse of Surah Al-Baqarah, two or three verses specifically to seek blessings from the words of the Truth, Glory be to Him. Then we will open the doors, God willing, so I say that when we presented that the divine names are the reason for the existence of the world and that they are the authority and influence upon it, therefore it was in the name of God. God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. We have an implied beginning, which is the beginning of the world and its appearance, as if he says the appearance of the world. In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. That is, in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the world appeared, and he singled out the three names because the facts give that. God is the name that brings together all the names, and the Most Merciful is a general description. He is the Most Merciful of this world and the Hereafter, in which He has

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In the name of the Ba’, existence appeared, and by the dot the worshiper is distinguished from the worshiped. It was said to Al-Shibli, may God be pleased with him, “You are Al-Shibli.” He said, “I am the dot under the Ba.” This is our saying, “The dot is for distinction,” which is the existence of the servant as required by the reality of slavery. Sheikh Abu Madin, may God have mercy on him, used to say that I did not see anything except that I saw the Ba’ on it. It is written, so the Ba that accompanies existing things is from the Presence of the Truth in the position of plural and existence, that is, by me, everything rose and appeared, and it is from the world of testimony. This Ba is in place of the hamzat al-wasl that was in the name before the entry of the Ba, and it was needed since no consonant is pronounced, so the hamza expressed by the power is brought into vowel form. Existence in order to bring it to speech, which is the creation of creativity and creation through th

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So the ba became instead of the hamzat al-wasl, I mean eternal power, and the movement of the ba became for the movement of the hamza, which is the creation, and the difference occurred between the ba and the connecting alif, as the alif gives the essence and the ba gives the attribute, and therefore the essence of creation was more deserving of the dot under it, which is the existents, so the ba became the three types. The form of the ba, the dot, and the movement are the three worlds. Just as in the middle world there is an illusion, so in the point of the ba, the ba is kingdom-like, the dot is tyrannical, the movement is a royal testimony, and the deleted alif that is in its place is the reality of the One who created all, the Almighty, and withheld mercy from Him in the dot under the ba, and to this extent every issue in this chapter is taken. Completed by brevity in one word and one word .

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Then we found that the alif of “Bismim” had appeared in “Read in the name of your Lord” and in the name of God, taking its course between the “ba” and the “S” and not appearing between the “S” and the “M.” If it had not appeared in “In the Name of the Ship” the ship would not have flown, and if it had not appeared in “Read in the Name of your Lord” the proverb would not have known its truth nor would he have seen its form, so he would have awakened from The year of heedlessness and attention. When it was widely used in the beginning of the surahs, it was deleted due to the presence of the proverb in its place in the letter, which is the ba. So the proverb became a mirror of the sīn, so the sīn became a proverb. And in this order, the structure of the structure is based, but it did not appear between the sīn and the mīm, which is the place of change and the adjectives of verbs. If they appeared, the sīn and the mīm would have disappeared, since they are not intransitive. For the an

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Then the ba made the reduction in the meem through resemblance to occurrence, since the meem is the position of kingship, which is servitude, and the ba reduced it, I identified it by itself and stopped it in its true nature. Whenever the ba is found, the meem is found in the position of Islam. If the ba disappears one day for an unforeseen reason, which is the meem’s advancement to the position of faith, it was opened in a world. The tyranny of Subha and the like, so he was commanded to exalt the place in order to make the proverb clear, and it was said to him, “Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High, who nourishes you with divine materials, for He is your Lord,” with the opening of the meem, and the alif appeared and the ba was removed because the command was directed at it to glorify it and it has no power to do so, and the ba is innovated like it, and what is innovated in terms of facts has no action and must For it to comply with the command, the alif, which is the old

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When it appeared, the power activated the glorification in the meem, so he glorified as he was commanded, and it was said to him that it is the highest, because it is with the ba at the bottom, and in this position it is in the middle, and the glorified one does not glorify someone like him, nor does he who is below him, so the glorified glorify must be higher. If we were in the interpretation of Surat “Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High,” we would have made it clear. Its secrets, so he remains in this position until he is exalted in himself, for whoever exalts him with exaltation is exalted from his exaltation, so this exaltation must return.

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