The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Divine law all of that, so Al-Shafi’i forbade exactly what the Hanafi made permissible, and Abu Hanifa permitted what Ahmad ibn Hanbal prohibited, so he permitted this what he did not permit. So they agreed on things and disagreed on things, and each in this nation has a law prescribed for us by God, even though we know that their rank is below that. Messengers inspired by God

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So prophecy and the message in terms of its essence and its ruling were not abrogated. Rather, the revelation pertaining to the Messenger and the Prophet was cut off from the angel descending upon his ear and his heart and prohibiting the use of the name of the Prophet and Messenger, so it is not said of the mujtahid that he is a prophet or a messenger, just as the diligence of the prophets was prohibited in what he legislated and the mujtahid, even if he guided the people by what he performed. To Him is his guidance and diligence, so this name is not given to him, as it is a term specific to the prophets and messengers, not for God or for the saints. Rather, it is a specific name for servitude, which is the essence of closeness to the master and not competing with the master in his rank, unlike guardianship, for the servant is a competitor to him in the name of the Guardian, the Most High, and for this reason it is harsh on those who extract from the slaves. The name of the Proph

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And if prophecy is a divine attribute in its rulings, and among them, the truth has imposed upon itself what it has imposed, because the obligation is for the Sharia what it is for other than the Sharia, so He said, “Your Lord has decreed mercy upon Himself. This is from the ruling of the Sharia, so know that and be firm in knowing what we have mentioned, for it is easy to ascend and difficult to descend from. This is how I saw it.” In the incident last night, I wanted to restrict this door. We did not speak in this section of what we talked about except what we saw in the incident and we saw in it the door to the name of the Messenger and the Prophet closed on my right, and the ascension by inserting it into the road, the street on which people walk, and I was standing at the door and not above that place that stopped me. The truth is there is a place for no one except what is inside that closed and sealed thing. And with its closure, what is behind it is hidden from me, except t

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On this night, I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he disliked bringing the funeral into the mosque. He also disliked covering the dead person from the male body with an extra garment over his shroud. He ordered that it be taken from him and left on his coffin in his shroud, and that he should not be covered in a coffin at all. He ordered me if the cold cloth was hotter. Water is for washing away from impurity, but in the morning he was in a state of impurity, and I saw him thanking him for having intercourse, and it was recommended for him who did all of this. I saw him that night, and I saw Ahmad ibn Hanbal that night, and I mentioned to him that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, ordered me to heat water for washing away from impurity, and he told me this is what Al-Bukhari mentioned. He saw the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in sleep and ordered him to do so, and Al-Farabari saw Al-Bukhari in sleep

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As for prophecy, which is not diminished, it is exaltation, and no name is given to God from it, and it has in God the name of High in Ranks, Possessor of the Throne, He casts the Spirit by His command upon whomever He wills of His servants. It also has the name Most High and Most High, and it is deprived prophecy, and it is generated from prophecy, which is exaltation. Shortening is the original and extending is an increase. Do the Arabs not see in the necessity of poetry that it is permissible to shorten the extended one because it is a return to the original, and it is not permissible to extend the shortened one because it is a departure from the original and the spirit between Him, the Almighty, and whomever He wishes of His servants with good news and warnings? And the saints in this prophecy have a great drinking place, as we mentioned, especially the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. And he said, regarding the one who has memorized the Qur’an, that prophecy

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This is the difference between a prophet and a guardian in prophecy. It is said about him that he is a prophet and about him it is said that about a guardian heir, and inheritance is a divine attribute, for he said about himself that he is the best of heirs. So a guardian does not take prophecy from a prophet except after the rightful inheritor has inherited it from them and then passes it to the guardian so that this will be more complete in his right until In this regard, he is attributed to God and not to anyone else. Some of the saints take it as an inheritance from the Prophet, and they are the companions who saw him or who saw him in sleep. Then the graphic scholars take it as a successor to an ancestor until the Day of Resurrection, so the lineage is far removed. As for the saints, they take it from God Almighty on account of the fact that he inherited it and inherited it. According to these, they are followers. Messengers with such a high and preserved chain of transmissio

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Abu Yazid said, “You took your knowledge from a dead person, and we took our knowledge from a living person who does not die. God Almighty said to his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a similar situation when he mentioned the prophets.

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