The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Know that the angels are of three types, one of which is dominant. When He created them, He revealed to them in His beautiful name, so He inspired them and consumed them, so they do not know their own souls, nor those who wandered in it, nor what concerned them. They are in confusion, drunk, and they are those whom God brought into being from a blind spot above which is what is or what is below it. They and all the angels are spirits that God created in temples of light like the rest of the angels, except that these angels have no guardianship except the guardianship of possible things that we mentioned in the explanation of If You Support God .

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The second type is the subjugated angels, and their head is the Supreme Pen, which is the first intellect, the authority of the world of writing and underlining, and their presence was with the all-powerful world, except that God withheld them from this manifestation that dominated their companions, when God wanted to grant this subjugated type the rank of imamate in the world, and he has a guardianship that belongs to him and to the angels. Harness

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The third category is the angels of management, which are the spirits who manage all the natural, luminous, divine, astronomical, and elemental bodies, and all the bodies of the world, and these also have authority.

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As for the angels of subjugation, their guardianship, I mean, is their support of the believers when they sin, and the divine names of vengeance are directed against them, and in the stations of those names are directed the names of forgiveness, pardon, and turning away from sins. So the angels say what God Almighty said, and they ask forgiveness for those who believe by saying, “Our Lord, you encompass all things in mercy and knowledge, which they increase.” On that With regard to the sinful, unrepentant believer, they relied on God’s knowledge of what they meant in that speech, being polite with God, Glory be to Him, since he deserved to be on God’s side with God’s people, to be jealous for his sake, and to claim against those who disobeyed him and did not carry out his command, and what is appropriate for His majesty, for the angels are people who have good manners with God, so they said, “Our Lord.” You have encompassed all things in mercy by Your saying, and My mercy encompas

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This is like the saying of the righteous servant whom God told us, saying, “If you punish them, then they are your servants, and if you forgive them, then you are the Mighty, the Wise.” His mercy It preceded his wrath, but the soul of the angels is stronger in manners because they are more knowledgeable about God than this servant and what is appropriate for the majesty of God. They did not say, “And if You forgive them.” Rather, they said, “You encompass all things in mercy and knowledge.” This is called an exposition, indicating that the truth is of this reward as he told about himself. So their saying is mercy, so they preceded the mention. Mercy is because God Almighty offered it when He mentioned His servant Khadra, and he said, “We have given him mercy from Us,” before he mentioned what he had given him. Then he mentioned after that what he had given him because of His mercy toward him, and he said, “And We taught him knowledge from Us.” That is why the angels offered mercy

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That is why the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, recited this verse: “If you torture them, then they are your servants.” He continued repeating it for an entire night until dawn came, when it was someone else’s word, so he was repeating it as a story, and his intention in that is known, as was said in the proverb.

Beware of me , I mean. So listen, neighbour.

He did not spend a whole night reciting the verse of what the angels said, because his match with Jesus is closer, and Jesus’ match with the angels is closer, because Gabriel directed his mother Mary to find Jesus a normal human being, so Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, took a path. Between two ways of asking for forgiveness for his people

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This is their support of God against the disobedient believers, and as for their support by praying for those who repent among them, it is their saying, “Our Lord, so forgive those who repent and follow Your path, and protect them from the torment of Hell.” So they made clear their remembrance when these people had risen in the position of divine closeness in repentance and knocked on its door in their return to God and the angels veiling the truth, so they asked for May God forgive them when they were characterized by repentance, and this is good manners. Then, when the angels knew that between Heaven and Hell there is an intermediate level, which is Al-A`raf, whoever is in this position is neither in Hell nor in Paradise, and they learned of God’s kindness to His servants that He answers the call of the supplicant when he invites him, so the angels said after saying, “Wait.” The punishment of hell, our Lord, and admit them to the Gardens of Eden which You promised them, that is,

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Then the angels increased their support of the angels entrusted with the hearts of the children of Adam, who are the owners of the prayers. They support them in supplication against their enemies from the devils, the owners of the entrusted authorities and the rulers .

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