The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

He has alerted you to a great matter, great knowledge, and a hidden, mysterious secret that no one knows except God, and whoever knows it among the created beings, it has been transmitted by reason, it has been transmitted, and after it has been understood, and before it has been understood.

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If you consider the chapters of this chapter, you will come to the door of divine knowledge and be fulfilled.

His saying, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, “Whoever knows himself knows his Lord”

I created you to be the subject of every praiseworthy and blameworthy attribute, then I informed you. The meaning of praise and blame, and I have defined and released you that so that you may know that you are the Knower who does not know, and He, Glory be to Him, is the Knower who knows and does not know, so He does not know what the servant is upon, and by the servant I mean the entire world and man except God Almighty. He knows him. Then He taught some of His servants. So among us are those who know themselves, and among us are those who are ignorant of themselves, and among us are those who imagine. He taught himself, and among us is he who knows from himself some of what he is in himself, and to this extent it is attributed to him that he learned from his Lord

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This is the station of creation that I have built, and anything other than this, which the Sufis refer to as creation, is a fabrication of speech, and their statement regarding creation with names is the same, and we have stated the same as what they have stated, but from verified knowledge and an absolute release with divine discipline from verification, so it is in reality creation, not creation, as I understood you. And more than this clarification and clarification that this position requires, it will not be. We have not exceeded the limits of God in our expression, and we have not mentioned anything that he attributed to Himself, so we have not departed from His words and what He has revealed to the truthful of His servants, and He is the All-Wise, the All-Knowing. The order of the world, so the knower and the knower are more general, and the wise is a specific attachment to knowledge, and this is verification of divine creation .

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As for the morals that you need to know, people of conduct, and we are all righteous, since there is no end to it, then it is to say that custom and Sharia have mentioned the good morals and the bad morals and commanded us to do their good deeds and avoid the bad ones. Then the Sharia has warned that they are of two types of morals, what is in man’s nature. As

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to Al-Ashj Ashj Abdul Qais, “Indeed, there are two qualities in you that God and His Messenger love: forbearance and patience.” In another wording by a non-Muslim, the man said, “O Messenger of God, is there something you created?” He said, “Yes.” He said, “Praise be to God who created me.” On them, or as he said

And some of them are acquired, so what is acquired is what is expressed by creation, which is imitation of one in whom these noble morals are mountainous in the origin of his creation. There is no doubt that the use of noble morals

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So make your imam what pleases God and in what pleases God, and for the behavior of your honorable creation with God in particular, for he is the companion and the caliph, and he is more worthy of being treated with good morals. For what God has presented, he has presented, for that submission is the conveyance of the right to that creation with that servant and in that place, so the disposition of your creation with God is more worthy of It is necessary to deal with the universe, rather it is a duty and not a priority, for all of creation, from the angels, the messengers and the believers, praise you for that action and the behavior with which you treated that person whom the truth presented and made it obligatory for you to treat him with it. And only the person with that purpose will criticize you for it, if he is not a believer, and observance of the principle is better, and if you do not behave. With good morals, according to what I have drawn for you, this position is not ri

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