The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

What is true about these divine morals is that they are all in the creation of man and appear to those who know them in every human being to the extent that they appear in the divine aspect. For each of these morals is not appropriate for treatment to be generalized in all universes, neither from the side of truth nor from the side of man, for he is generous. Likewise, man is absolutely generous, and although the truth is absolutely generous, one of its names is the deterrent, and one of its names is the harmful, and one of its names is the madhiy, and He forgives and punishes whomever He wills, and gives dominion and takes away the dominion, and takes revenge and is generous, and with this restriction it is against a people and not another people with an absolute quality, and so it is in man, for it is an original creation. It is not created for him, and it is not valid for these morals to be generalized from man even though they are absolute in relation to him, just as it is not

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All that appears from man in terms of good morals and bad morals are all in his creation, and they are a reality for him, neither a metaphor nor a loan, just as He, Glory be to Him, is all that He has named Himself with, not the attributes of actions with which He has described Himself, such as creation, revival, death, prevention, giving, creation, deception, plotting, and mockery. And separation, and judgment, and all that was mentioned in the revealed books and spoken by the messengers, such as laughter, joy, wonder, rejoicing, a foot, a hand, two hands, a hand, eyes, and an arm. All of that is a correct description, for it is His words, the Most High, about Himself, and the words of His messengers about Him, and He is the truthful, and they are truthful, based on rational evidence, but according to what He knows and to the extent that Himself accepts Him. And whatever befits His majesty, we do not add any of that, nor do we attribute it, nor do we suffice for it, nor do we say

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However, there are names that are given to the servant and are not given to the Divine Majesty, even if the meaning includes that, such as the miserly name given to the servant but not the truth, which is a prohibition, and one of its names is the one who prevents. And every prevention is not miserliness. Whoever withholds the right of the deserving person is miserly, and the truth is established by the words of Moses that God gave everything its creation, so he was not miserly upon you, who gave you your creation and fulfilled your rights. Forbidding what the creation does not deserve is not withholding miserliness. In this measure we make the distinction between those who prohibit, and so is the name of the liar among those who deny. It is unique to the servant and it should not be applied to the truth, for he is the truthful one in every way, just as the servant is truthful and a liar and also truthful in every facet, but the ascription of truthfulness to the servant in every f

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