The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

These illnesses are rooted in the same temperament and character, such as bulging eyes, excessive sunkenness, a nose that is too fine or too thick, a wide, swollen hole or its opposite, extreme whiteness, extreme blackness, frizz in the hair, or blackheads. It has excessive blueness or extreme blueness in the turquoise eye or dark alcoholic eyes, as well as the rest of the organs in lack of moderation, which is the deviation from moderation to one of the two tendencies, as we mentioned, the creation of man is according to what these organs are in him of moderation and deviation .

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So if this divine physician, who is a prophet, heir, or a wise man, comes and sees what this upbringing requires, which led to him and placed its reins in his hands, in order to raise her and strive for her happiness, and bring her back to the opposite of what his upbringing required, if he was deviant, by explaining to her the causes of that deviance, which God praises and is in. The happiness of this soul, for it is not possible for him to create another creation, for your Lord has finished creating and creating, and nothing remains in our hands except to explain the means. So the moderately raised person is ignorant of the matters of happiness with God that need a stance, and he is the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, asking scholars about the matters that give Happiness is with God

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As for good morals, he does not need a stance on them, for the mood of his upbringing and moderation only gives him good morals. Rather, he needs a stance in some matters in using the deviation, and he is responsible for that, because in that deviation there are interests, either this world or the hereafter, or the total, and as for the deviant, it is given priority. He rebukes morals and their immorality, and seeks the influence of the purposes that exist for him, and does not care what his command will lead to in achieving them, so the evil physician lures him, time after time, by explaining the means, as we mentioned .

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If a person with faith insight comes and knows what is in the interest of the person who is looking into it and sees a movement on his part that leads to reprehensible things, or that this movement occurred on his part that is reprehensible and reprehensible, so that he can enable him to surrender himself to Him so that he can control it, then if he is deviant, his behavior will be one of struggle. He is athletic, even if he is moderate, in his behavior, he is good-natured, cheerful, joyful and happy. Things are easy for him, and difficulties for others are easy for him, and he does not burden himself with any good morals. So if his soul is pure, pure, and joins the purified world, and sees with the divine eye, and hears of him, and is moved by his power, you will know the origins and sources of things and what emanates from him. What it leads to is what is expressed through faith-based theorem, which is a gift from God Almighty that is attained by those who are sound in nature an

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The origin of moderation and deviation in the world and in what is necessary is due to the predominance of some principles over others that have the ruling on compounds, and it is from the effects of divine knowledge, from which God has mercy on whomever He wills, and forgives, and punishes, and hates, and is pleased and angry, and where is anger from contentment, and where is forgiveness from revenge, and where is discontent from contentment, and all that? It brought the divine news in the revealed books and the people of revelation taught it to see with an eye, even if it had not been reported on the tongues of the prophets and messengers, and the books were sent down from God at their hands and they were supported by miracles so that their truthfulness would be proven to foreigners for the sake of these divine matters so that they would be accepted from them if they reported them, for the evidence of the minds refers them to the divine side. If a viewer with revelations of it u

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It is because of these matters that the laws were mentioned, and because of the rulings that do not agree with the purposes of the rulers and predecessors, if they heard them from someone other than the Messenger. Then, when the Messengers were made to forget them and the souls became familiar with the rulings of the divine laws and were accompanied by them, it is easy for kings and rulers to become disciples of the righteous and bring their souls under their rulings, and if it is difficult for them, they give preference to their knowledge of that. Despite the hardship they realize that is contrary to the goal, he entered upon this condition himself, so his argument is based on himself. Glory be to the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. If it were not for the honor of knowledge, physiognomy would not be honorable, because if it were not for physiognomy, it would not give knowledge, it would not be honored, nor would it have value. Knowledge is the most honorable of qualities, and with it

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