The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In knowing the place of vision, seeing, and the antecedents of things in the Lord’s Presence, and that the unbelievers have a precedence, just as the believers have a precedence, and the arrival of every sect upon its own precedence, and bringing with its

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 456 من الجزء Three

They went out of it to Paradise, and Hell touched them in proportion to their sins, despite the fact that God caused them to die therein. For for them, Hell is not a dwelling place for them to inhabit and reside in with their families. Rather, Hell is for them one of the fountains that the traveler descends on his way until he reaches his house in which his family is. This is the meaning of wisdom and detail. Matters, I mean possible things, are distinct in themselves in their absence, and God Almighty knows them and what they are in themselves, and He sees them and commands them to form, which is existence, so they are formed by His command. So God has no generality, just as there is no generality in the concrete entities of possible things. Rather, the whole matter is in Himself and in God’s knowledge is detailed, but generality occurs. With us, in our right, and in us, it has appeared. So whoever reveals detail in the essence of the generality, whether in knowledge, in kind, or


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