God revealed to the possessions that they should worship Him *** He commands Him that they have no precedence in prohibition

They are slaves of unparalleled specialization *** against, and they have been given the keys to generosity

They do not know how to deviate from his commands *** and their head is an angel whom he has named With the pen

He gave him from his knowledge what he could not appreciate *** He was created, and indeed he has the rank of antiquity

Every person's possessions have a rank *** information that appears to the eye like knowledge

They are superior " lang="en-GB" /> God revealed to the possessions that they should worship Him *** He commands Him that they have no precedence in prohibition

They are slaves of unparalleled specialization *** against, and they have been given the keys to generosity

They do not know how to deviate from his commands *** and their head is an angel whom he has named With the pen

He gave him from his knowledge what he could not appreciate *** He was created, and indeed he has the rank of antiquity

Every person's possessions have a rank *** information that appears to the eye like knowledge

They are superior "> ( Chapter one hundred and fifty-seven on knowing the status of royal prophecy )

The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

( Chapter one hundred and fifty-seven on knowing the status of royal prophecy )

(Check the original text in Arabic ...)

FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 255 من الجزء Two

God revealed to the possessions that they should worship Him *** He commands Him that they have no precedence in prohibition

They are slaves of unparalleled specialization *** against, and they have been given the keys to generosity

They do not know how to deviate from his commands *** and their head is an angel whom he has named With the pen

He gave him from his knowledge what he could not appreciate *** He was created, and indeed he has the rank of antiquity

Every person's possessions have a rank *** information that appears to the eye like knowledge

They are superior


(... Another Random Quote)

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