The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ Those who have lent to God a good loan ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 563 من الجزء One

And the debtors are those who lent God a good loan out of His command, which is His saying, the Almighty, a commandment, and lend to God a good loan, in conjunction with two obligatory matters, which are His saying, and establish prayer, and pay the zakat, and a third, according to His saying, and lend to God a good loan, so the loan is the third of three, but what is specified is what you lend. He also did not specify what you recommend He also did not specify a specific prayer, so every prayer he commanded us to perform, every zakat, and every loan, except that he described a loan by saying “good” with emphasis on the source, and the reason for that is that prayer and zakat are a slave in them, a slave of necessity, and a loan is a slave of choice. Among the people is someone who lent God a loan of choice, and he is the one to whom the command did not reach him and it reached him. If you lend to God, or his saying, who is the one who lends to God a good loan?


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