The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 454 من الجزء One

Kneeling is submission to God Almighty, and hastening to Him is better. However, walking on his knees until he enters the line is what should be related to being disliked or permissible. Whoever sees filling the gap as obligatory or praying behind the line is not sufficient, walking as he is until he enters the line. The legislator did not invalidate Abu Bakra’s prayer with that, and he prayed for him and forbade him not to repeat it, so he knew that he forbade it as disliked. If they said a case in an eye, we said, and he forbade him not to repeat a case in an eye, because he was addressed not to repeat it, and no one else forbade that, but based on the context of the situation, we know that what was meant by that prayer was Whoever is in the state of his prayer according to what he was commanded to do, then everything that is part of the completion of the prayer is permissible to work on until it is completed in the prayer, and related to this are issues based on this rule.


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