The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In knowing the state of Qutb’s home, “And be patient for the judgment of your Lord, for you are with Our eyes,” one of our companions, Muhammad al-Marakshi, was in it in Marrakesh.

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 143 من الجزء Four

The truth is right or wrong, as is the description of this person. If he praises or criticizes his involvement, then in both cases he has insight. This is why the truth has commanded us to leave them playing in their battle, even if there is no benefit in this remembrance except the fact that God creates for His servants in their belief, for the one who looks at God is a Creator. He has in himself, in his view, what he believes. He only worshiped a god who created him in his view, and He said to him, “Be,” and it was. That is why We commanded the people to worship the God whom the Messenger brought and the Book spoke of. For if you worship that God, you worship what you did not create. Rather, you worshiped your Creator, and you gave worship its due due, and it is fulfilled. For knowledge of God is not valid. It is impossible for knowledge to be based on imitation, it is impossible for it to be based on evidence, and that is why we are prevented from contemplating the essence of G


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