The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

That is, do not rise above His command with what you find in your souls of His creation in the divine image, so you say, “Like us, he will not be commanded,” so the scholars of God do not know whether God’s command agrees with His will for them, whether they comply with His command or disobey it. For this reason, God’s command is difficult for them and intensified, which is what He, peace be upon him, said, “Hood has made me gray.”


For it is the surah in which it was revealed, so be upright as you have been commanded, and its sisters, as it contains this verse or what is in its meaning, are therefore in danger.

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And the path of uprightness is not restricted in its levels and is not disciplined as

He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: Be upright and you will not be counted

meaning the paths of uprightness

And whatever you count of them, you will not count what is yours. In that there is reward and goodness.

Apparently, he only meant: You will not count the paths of righteousness, for they are many, and none of you will be able to identify them. That is why he followed this saying

with his saying, “And work, and the best of your deeds is prayer.” And since you cannot count the paths of righteousness. So take the best ones

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The living, life-giving name is seen in these acts of worship as the Ever-Living, the Ever-Living, and for this reason it is said to the responsible, “Establish the prayer and establish the weight,” for the Ever-Living is the brother of the Ever-Living, the Ever-Living. God Almighty said, “There is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting,” and He said, “There is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting.” He is the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting, so what is the name? The Ever-Living and Ever-Living is with Him, so consider this section, for it contains divine secrets.

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Indeed, to God all matters happen *** Do not be deceived by the abode of deception

And everything that contradicts what He, Glory be to Him, said is false speech.

Every crooked person has a goal, to which he is truly entitled in all matters.

Do not assign to anyone that he *** ruled out of ignorance or shortcomings

Fusila Things are our things *** To Saeed and to those who live

And everyone returned to his saying *** Only to God do things happen

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Know that God has taught you that abandoning integrity is one of the signs of staying with God and being present with Him in every situation, as

Aisha, the Mother of the Believers, may God be pleased with her, said regarding the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he used to remember God at all times.

In this world, it is described as the land of the Hereafter in which you will not see crookedness or deadness, and since straightness is characterized by crookedness or crookedness, then there is no witnessed straightness

So everyone is in the eye of existence *** on one path

And everyone is in the eye of contentment *** whether a believer or a denier

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The view of the author of these witnesses may be to consider the possibility of the knower, and possibility is the cause of his illness, and illness is an inclination, and the inclination is the opposite of correctness, and the possibility of the knower is an intrinsic attribute whose disappearance is inconceivable, neither in its non-existence nor in the event of its existence. The illness has an innate nature, so the inclination is innate to it, so there is no inclination. The inclination is the opposite of correctness, and the possibility of the knower is a temporary quality, which there is no hope of removing. However, the universe is a place for the existence of inaccuracies regarding matters required by wisdom and sought by the sound mind due to its knowledge of what is right for the universe, since He legislated the obligation and it was not possible for the individual parts of the world to be in one mood. When the moods differed, there was in the world the most knowledgeab

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And since the matter of knowledge of God in the world is at the origin of His creation, and in this aforementioned natural manner, God revealed the laws to these levels so that the divine bounty would pervade all of creation, so He revealed, “There is nothing like it,” and it is for those who have knowledge of God absolutely, without restriction. And He revealed the Almighty’s saying, “He encompasses.” He has knowledge of all things, and He is Able to do what He wills, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. By God, there is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting. Everything is All-Knowing, and all of this is in the right of the one who restricts it to the attributes of perfection, and God Almighty revealed among the laws His saying: The Most Gracious is stationed above the Throne, and He is with you wherever you are, and He is God in the heavens and in the earth, and our eyes run with them. And if We had intended to take a diversion, We would have taken it from Us

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