The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The heart is true, and a person cannot defend his knowledge from himself, so

He, peace be upon him, used to say, “O converter of hearts, make my heart firm on your religion.” And in this hadith, one of his wives said to him, “Are you afraid?” O Messenger of God, and he said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the believer’s heart is between two of God’s fingers.

May God’s prayers and peace be upon him refers to the speed of turning from faith to disbelief and what is below them. God Almighty said, “So he inspired her with her immorality and piety, and this inspiration is the turning and the fingers for speed and duality for her.” He thought of the good and thought of the ugly. If he understands from the fingers what I mentioned and understands the wound from him and understands the blessing and good effect from him, then in what way do you attach it to the wound and these honorable faces ask for it? Should we not remain silent and entrust the knowledg

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The two fingers are the secret of self-perfection, which when revealed to the eyes on the Day of Resurrection, a person will take his father if he is an unbeliever and throw him into the fire, and he will not feel any pain for that nor will he feel compassion for him, because of the secret of these two fingers whose meaning is united, the two are pronounced. Their pronunciation created Paradise and Hell, and the names of the enlightened one, the dark one, the benefactor, and the avenger appeared, so do not imagine them as two. Of ten, it is necessary to point out this secret in this chapter. He has an right hand in both of his hands, and this is the knowledge of revelation. For the people of Paradise will have two bliss: bliss in Paradise and bliss with the torment of the people of Hell in Hell. Likewise, the people of Hell will have two torments, and both groups will see God seeing the Names as they were in this world, the same, and in the two fists that They came from the Messen

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If the truth was revealed to the secret of a slave who possessed all the secrets and attached it to the free people and he had personal control over the right side, then the honor of the left is by something else and the honor of the right is by itself. Then the honor of the right was revealed by speech and the honor of the left by manifestation is the honor of man by knowing his truth and being acquainted with it, which is the left and both hands from where he is the left as Both of my hands are right. Return to the meaning of union. Both hands of the servant are right. Return to monotheism. One of his hands is right and the other is left.

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