The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Sleep brings together something that is not combined *** other than sleep, so think about it and consider it

That imagination has rule and authority *** over the two existences in terms of meaning and images

and it is not perceived in anything other than a dream, nor *** images appear to it in the presence of The Surah

is specific to the Sad, not the Sein, His Holiness *** for it encompasses the forms of the unseen

He who does not adjust, refuses to sleep, confines him *** by quality and quantity to determine the lessons

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Know, may God help you, that sleep is a state that moves the servant from witnessing the world of sense to witnessing the world of isthmus, and it is the most complete of the world, so there is no more complete than it. It is the origin and source of the world. It has true existence and control over all matters. It embodies meanings and restores what does not exist by itself to exist by itself, and what has no form makes it He has an image, makes the impossible possible, and disposes of matters as he pleases.

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So if he has this generality and is a creation created for God, then what do you think of the Creator, Glory be to Him, who created him and gave him this power? So how do you want to judge God with restriction and say that God is not capable of the impossible, while you witness from yourself the ability of imagination to accomplish the impossible, and imagination is a creation of God’s creation, and do not doubt? In what you see of the meanings that He has embodied for you, and He has shown them to you as standing persons, so God brings the deeds of the sons of Adam, even though they are symptoms, upright forms that are placed in the scales to establish justice. And death is brought, even though it is a proportion beyond the breadth in distance from incarnation, in the form of a salted ram. He wants it to be extremely clear. This is why He described it as salty. It is whiteness, so all people know it. This is impossible.

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So where is the rule of reason on God and the corruption of its interpretation? Likewise, the bliss of Paradise in its fruits, neither cut nor forbidden, is interpreted by those who have no knowledge of its relation to the seasons of the year. The fruit expires with the expiration of its time and then returns in the next year, and the fruits of Paradise are ever-forming and never interrupted. This is the extent of their knowledge in this matter. And with us, as God said, it is neither cut off nor forbidden, for God has given us sustenance in it, which is called picking and eating, just as God has made sustenance for the world of the jinn in the bones, and we do not see anything missing from the bone, and we undoubtedly eat from the fruit of Paradise, picked close together, even though the fruit is in its place on the tree. It is still the same because it is a house of perpetuation of what is formed in it. It is a house of formation, not a place of execution. Likewise, the market o

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And when God removed Himself from the attribute of sleep, He said, “Neither sleep nor sleep can take it.” That is, what the witnesses of the barzakh misses from the witnesses of the world of senses from the witnesses of meanings outside of materials in the event that they do not occur in the barzakh and under its rule. And God may grant some of His servants this awareness despite the fact that He is not characterized. That he does not sleep, I mean in the state of this world and its creation. As for the hereafter, the people of Paradise do not sleep in Paradise, and nothing of the world is hidden from them. Rather, every scholar is on his level, and they are witnessed, even though they are not characterized by sleep. It is said that so-and-so slept and saw such-and-such, meaning he saw upside down, and he is a man, meaning he lied. According to custom, knowledge is not milk, and the Qur’an is not honey, but this is how you see it. If you have completed it, you will see it as knowl

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So what we have informed you of has been fulfilled, for we have given you eternal rest with what we have mentioned, and we have introduced you to God, the knowledge required of us, and if what we have indicated in this chapter is fulfilled, you will know all that the Sharia has brought in the Qur’an and Sunnah, ancient and modern, of the divine attributes that minds reject with their proofs that fall short of this understanding, then knowledge The existence of the truth perceived by the minds insofar as they are thinkers and have meanings, and the knowledge of what the truth is in itself is what existence gave to every perception in its world. Then there is nothing but truth and error. Glory be to Him who developed the phases and made in the day the reality of night and day and revealed the rulings and legislated them in detail, not in generality. By God. He speaks the truth and He guides the way

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