The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The Almighty God is sanctified beyond being perceived by His essence, like the sensed, or by His action, like the gentle or the intelligible, because, Glory be to Him, there is no connection between Him and His creation at all, because His essence is not perceptible to us, so it resembles the sensed, nor its action is like the action of the gentle, so it resembles the gentle, because the action of the Almighty Truth is the creation of the thing. Not from anything, and the spiritual kindness is the act of one of the things, so what is the correspondence between them? If resemblance is impossible in the action, it is better that resemblance is abstained in the essence. If you want to achieve something from this chapter, then look at the object of this verb according to the categories of objects, such as the artificial object, such as a shirt. And the chair, we found, does not know its maker, except that it itself indicates the existence of its maker and his knowledge of its c

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What we have mentioned is supported by the fact that a person perceives all information through one of the five powers, the sensory power, which is based on the five powers of smell, taste, touch, hearing, and sight. Sight perceives colors, colors, and people to a known extent of nearness and distance. So the one from which it perceives at one mile is different from the one from which it perceives at two miles, and the one from which it perceives it. At twenty lengths, other than the one from which he reaches at a mile, and the one from whom he reaches with his hand in his hand is opposite him, other than the one from which he reaches at twenty lengths. The one from whom he reaches at two miles is a person who does not know whether he is a human or a tree, and at a mile he knows that he is a human, and at twenty lengths he knows that he is white or black, and the opposite is the case. It is blue or darker, and so are the rest of the senses in their perceptions of proximity and dis

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