The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)


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As for the light chosen from among the lights, the lights are veiled, and for that reason

He said, “In the veiled lights, there is a light that I see.”

Then he promised vision, and it is light, so the light that appears in it to His servants must be chosen. Of those veiling lights, such as the light of oneness, glory, pride, and greatness, all of these are removed from the sight, and their ruling remains in the heart. By raising them, vision of the Almighty’s truth occurs, and their ruling remains in the heart, and the servants are destroyed from seeing. If it were not for that, their souls would witness it .

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As for his choice of the human form, it is because he created Adam in his own image and gave him all his beautiful names, and by their power he carried the offered trust, and this truth did not give him to return it just as the heavens and the earth and the mountains refused to carry it and man carried it. Indeed, it would have been unjust if he had not carried it out of ignorance, because knowledge of God is the same as ignorance, with inability to carry it. Realization is realization, for if he knows that then there is what he does not know, then he does not know, which is the knowledge that there is what he does not know, and his knowledge has nothing to do with it except ignorance of it .

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As for his choosing existential proofs from dialectical proofs and other things, because they give him complete knowledge of proving the truth and invalidating the opponent’s argument, and the dialectical proofs do not have this power, as they invalidate the opponent’s argument and may not prove the truth, and sophistical proofs produce confusion and are closer to the existential proofs in divine knowledge in one way or another. Dialectical proofs

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As for his choice of the revealed Sharia, it is due to its general attachment to the hereafter and the interests of this world, and not the ruling laws that were established for the interests of this world and the survival of goodness in the world of this world. They have a ruling to judge God by divine closeness, the acceptance of deeds, the elevation of ranks, the confirmation of Paradise, and the abode of misery. None of this is independent except the Sharia revealed from With God, as for those who invented acts of worship and observed them as they should be respected, seeking God’s pleasure from what God had not written for them, they are the owners of a law revealed from God, so they enacted in it good laws appropriate to what the law enacted with the law revealed in them, and He permitted them to enact them. As for the ruling laws, what are they that these people enacted, and for this reason He made for them Wage

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As for his choice of straight movement, he is on a straight path, as he said about himself, and it is specific to man whom God created in the image of truth, and in it the happy will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection, for it is for him this world and the hereafter, for the criminals will be gathered in reverse, and it is the inverted movement, as God Almighty said regarding criminals, even if you could see. When the criminals bowed their heads before their Lord, and the crooked, horizontal movement of animals was not valid, except for the one whom God created in the image, and that is the perfect human being who has this characteristic in this world and the hereafter, and that is why Adam was singled out for it because he is one of the people of happiness that maintains this straight movement for him, and that is why he is called the Caliphate . /p>

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As for his choice of the sun, it is because of its provision in all the enlightened planets, above and below, and that is why Abraham, peace be upon him, said: This is greater, and according to the two schools of thought, it is specific to the heart than the sphere, which is the fourth heaven, and in it is Idris, peace be upon him, and God has mentioned that He raised him to a high place, so they elevated this place from it being the heart of the spheres. It is a place that is high in status, and what is above it, and if it is lower than it, then it is higher in distance and in relation to our heads, and it is the one who brought about the night and the day with its rising and setting, for which God made ecstasy, which is intercourse and penetration due to the appearance of the notables of the generators. Those who are aware of the solar movement are in constant demand to highlight the notable incidents due to this demand .

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As for his choice of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, when his temperament required it rather than the human temperaments of perfection and moderation, he witnessed his prophecy while Adam was between water and clay, and he was divided into parts in the racial generators, and it is a delicate matter that is known only to those who knew the taking of offspring from Adam’s back when he testified to them. themselves, am I not your Lord? So they said, Yes, and it is the nature upon which people were born and to which they end. And in this gathering

He said, “The spirits are conscripted forces”

And when he gathered them, he gathered them in the presence of the representation, and it was not face to face there that they got to know one another. Here and what happened at noon there are disguises here and what is between them from face to back and side and other than that, and in this I say

Indeed, heart

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