The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

It will not be for anyone else, and the honest merchant will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection with the prophets and martyrs. This is what he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said.

And his saying, “You fear its stagnation.” He says, “You fear that you will leave it for the sake of its stagnation, seeking profits.” And what profit is greater than He gained the merchant's honesty and his words and striving in his cause, that is, also for the sake of your witnessing of Him, the Most High, in striving in His cause, because He commanded you to do this and you knew that He would be witnessed by you in all that we have mentioned, and because of what we have mentioned, He has an honorable status with you, so wait, that is, do not flee, for He only commanded us to flee because we do not have this witnessing and His saying, “Until He comes.” God is by His command, which is the coming of the Hour or death, which will take you away from watching these people. And

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No one fears God except the One who gathers *** all of His wisdom in the universe

So he fears vengeance in His blessing *** and he evades blessing in His vengeance

Everything in the universe, whether apparent *** or hidden in it, is from His grace.

And she is the one whom He bestowed as a blessing***from Him on the chosen one among His nation.

Everything that He, Glory be to Him, accomplishes *** of everything that He decrees, is from His intention.

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Know, O our brothers, that God has enlightened your insights, corrected your secrets, and cleared your evidence of doubts, that when God graciously bestowed upon us the name Most Gracious, He brought us out of evil, which is nothingness, to goodness, which is existence, and for this reason God Almighty graciously bestowed upon us the blessing of existence, saying, “Does not man remember that We created him before, and did not Whatever it is, we have not taken care of Him, Glory be to Him, to begin with except mercy. That is why He said that God’s mercy precedes His wrath. When we looked at the Almighty’s saying, “Fear God,” that is, take it as a protection against everything that you fear, and we saw that the name of God includes every name except it, so he should beware of it and take protection.

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For there is no name among the divine names of the universe to which there is an attachment except that one can be protected from it and through it, either for fear of separation from it if it is one of the names of kindness, or for fear of its descending if it is one of the names of oppression. So one can only be protected from the rule of His names, and none of His names can be protected except through His names, the name that unites them. He is God

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So, if God is the sum of the opposite names, and we know that if the two opposite names are on the same scale, their ruling is invalidated because the object does not accept the ruling of their opposition, so they are invalidated. If the balance of one of them prevails, the ruling is for the more correct one, and the name of the Most Gracious was preferred by our existence, because the Most Gracious Name preserves us, so mercy prevailed, and its ruling was carried out, so it is the basis for creation. Revenge is a temporary ruling, and accidents are not permanent, for existence accompanies us, so we have nothing to do with mercy and its ruling. This is why He commanded us to fear God, that is, we take it as a protection and fear it because of the encounter it contains, and it is like his saying about seeking refuge with Him.

So he said, “And I seek refuge in You from You.” < /p >

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It is one of the stations that are recommended in this world and the hereafter, for if you fear the rulings of the Names, especially in Paradise in which man is judged according to the divine image in which he was created, so he says to a thing, “Be” and that thing is, then perhaps this station will obscure him from the One who is highest in his right, so he is distracted from The Dune, which is better for him than what is in it, then the divine masculine name comes and reminds him of the honor of the Dune’s rank and what will happen to him in it and what will bring him back to its people, so he will fear this name that has captured him in Paradise from yearning for what is better for him than what he will get in the Dune. This is why we said it is accompanied by the station of piety. In this world and in the hereafter, if you know this, you know that the station of piety, fear of God, is acquired for the servant, and that is why he commanded it, and so everyone who is commanded t

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Divine piety is divided into two parts in ruling on us, that is, the matter is divided into two parts: one in which God has commanded us to fear Him as He should be feared, since we are believers, and another in which He has commanded us to fear Him to the extent of our ability. What is specified in this obligation is a characteristic that is specific to a group of sects, just as He has specified it in the right of fearing Him. And if the believers were mentioned previously, then the pronoun is repeated over them, but something like this is not called a statement or a specification, so it falls below the level of specification, and a different ruling occurs for that.

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