The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

[ The station of piety is one of the stations that are accompanied in this world and the hereafter ]

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FUTMAK.COM الفتوحات المكية: الصفحة 157 من الجزء Two

It is one of the stations that are recommended in this world and the hereafter, for if you fear the rulings of the Names, especially in Paradise in which man is judged according to the divine image in which he was created, so he says to a thing, “Be” and that thing is, then perhaps this station will obscure him from the One who is highest in his right, so he is distracted from The Dune, which is better for him than what is in it, then the divine masculine name comes and reminds him of the honor of the Dune’s rank and what will happen to him in it and what will bring him back to its people, so he will fear this name that has captured him in Paradise from yearning for what is better for him than what he will get in the Dune. This is why we said it is accompanied by the station of piety. In this world and in the hereafter, if you know this, you know that the station of piety, fear of God, is acquired for the servant, and that is why he commanded it, and so everyone who is commanded t


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