The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In existing things, he composes them in his mind and imagination in a way that he has not previously achieved in his knowledge, and if he precedes him, he does not care, for in that he is in the position of the first to which no one preceded him, just as poets and eloquent writers do in inventing invented meanings. There is an invention that was previously made, so the listener imagines that he stole it, so the inventor should not. To look at someone except at what happened to him, especially if he wanted to enjoy and enjoy the pleasure of invention. No matter how much the inventor of a matter looks at the one who preceded him in it after he invented it, he may perish and have his liver broken. Most of the scholars in invention are rhetoricians and engineers, and among those who have trades are carpenters and builders. These people have the most inventions, the most intelligent innate nature, and the strongest of them. In accordance with their minds, the reality of invention is va

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Knowledge, the known, and the world *** Three rulings are one

And if you wish, their rulings Like them *** three confirmed by the witness

And the one who is unseen sees one *** who is not on top of it plus

Know, may God help you Knowledge is the attainment of a certain matter by the heart to the extent that it is in itself, whether that matter is non-existent or present. Knowledge is the quality that necessitates attainment from the heart, and the knower is the heart, and the known is that matter that is attained, and imagining the reality of knowledge is very difficult, but it is a paving way for the attainment of knowledge by what becomes clear, if He wills. God Almighty

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Know that the heart is a polished mirror with all its facets that will never rust. If one day calls it rusty as it is

He, peace be upon him, said that hearts rust as iron rusts

The hadith in which it is cleared is the remembrance of God and its recitation. The Qur’an, but since it is the Wise Remembrance, what is meant by this rust is not that it is a stain that has spread on the face of the heart, but when he became attached and occupied himself with the knowledge of reasons rather than knowledge of God, his attachment to other than God became rust on the face of the heart because it is an obstacle to the truth being revealed to this heart because the Divine Presence is always manifest and cannot be imagined in Its right is a veil from us, so when this heart did not accept it from the point of view of the legal and praiseworthy discourse, because it accepted other things, it expressed the acceptance of that other thing with rust, nickel, lock, blindness, rannance,

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So look, may God grant you success, in the heart according to what we have mentioned and see whether you make it knowledge, then it is not valid, and if you say the intrinsic purification of it, then there is no way, but it is a reason, just as the appearance of the known to the heart is a reason, and if you say the reason that brings about the known in the heart, then there is no way, and if you say the example that is imprinted in the soul. Of the known, which is the perception of the known, there is no way. If you are told, “What is knowledge,” then say, “The perception of what is perceived.”

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