The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

But they have the right to deliver, to inspire, to meet, and to write, and they are infallible in what is delivered to them by a sign that they have that no one knows except them. So they are told about what they were addressed with, what they were inspired with, and what was delivered to them or written. This has been established by all the investigators who delivered the news to its person who said it and did not look or They resembled and did not neglect, and the investigators who searched and worked diligently and looked at their classes as well, and the investigators who revealed and examined, and the investigators who addressed and inspired that God Almighty does not include those tools that are restricted to specification and simile as we understand it in the hadiths, but they enter upon it with what they contain of the meaning of exaltation and sanctification upon the classes of scholars and investigators in This is because of the transcendence in it and what it its

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And since this has been proven among the investigators, despite the difference in their ranks on the level of investigation, let us say that the facts gave to those who understood them that the existence of the truth with the existence of the world is not restricted by priority, conjunctivity, or temporal remoteness, for the temporal and spatial progress in the truth of God throws the facts in the face of the one who proclaims it. Specifically, O God, unless he said it out of connection, as the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said and the Book said, since not everyone is capable of revealing these truths, so there is nothing left for us to say except that the truth exists by itself, for its own sake, with absolute existence, not restricted by anything else, nor caused by anything. There is no cause for anything, but rather He is the Creator of effects and causes and the Holy and Everlasting King, and that the world exists through God Almighty, neither by Himself

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The timer asked me about applying invention to the Almighty God, so I told him that the knowledge of the truth itself is identical to his knowledge of the world, since the world is still witnessed by Him, the Almighty, even if it is characterized by nothingness, and the world is not witnessed by itself since it does not exist, and this is a sea in which the observers who did not reveal it perished, and in a way that has not changed. exists, so His knowledge is still existing, and His knowledge by itself is His knowledge of the world, so His knowledge of the world is still existing, so He knew the world in its non-existence and created it in its form in His knowledge. An explanation of this will come at the end of the book, and it is the secret of destiny that has been hidden from most investigators. Accordingly, invention is not valid in the world, but it is called invention in a sense. What is not in terms of what is given by the reality of the invention, this leads to a deficien

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