The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Likewise, the Mother of the Book, God attached to it all the books and scrolls revealed to the prophets, the deputies of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and He preserved them for himself and for this nation so that he would be distinguished over the prophets by being superior, and that he is the greatest Imam and his nation in which he appeared is the best of a nation that was brought forth to the people because of his appearance in their form, and likewise the century in which he appeared is the best of generations. Because he appeared in it himself and before and after that according to his law .

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It is from the association of this nation that God has given its saints a share in describing people who are far from God by way of closeness, so the wording and meaning are shared, and the declension changes, as we said about eagerness, which is reprehensible. So if we are keen in seeking knowledge and getting closer to God with it, it is praiseworthy, but by using the word it is reprehensible, for it is not It is used absolutely, except in the case of something reprehensible, so when what is meant by it is praise, it is said that he is keen on goodness. Likewise, envy seeks refuge from it in the absolute sense, without restriction, for it is used in the absolute sense of blame, and it is used in the sense of praise in the restrictive form. For this reason, God has gathered the saints of this nation to look into such things, so they have obtained their share of blameworthy names in absolute terms, so that they do not miss anything. - Since they are the ones who combine all the po

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Among them are the envious. He, peace be upon him, said: There is no envy except in two cases: a man to whom God has given knowledge, so he spreads it among the people, and a man to whom God has given what he does not, and he spends it for the sake of righteousness. Then the people of proud souls who reject vices and love virtues and goodness rose up and said, “Envy is not appropriate except in noble matters.” The highest matters are not known except by their lords, and the Lord of lords and the One with the highest attributes and the most beautiful names is God. It is said that we imitate Him in being created by His names. So they did, and they exaggerated and worked hard until they began to say to the thing, “Be,” and it is, and that is the highest rank with which God is praised. If it were not for envy, the people would not have done anything to achieve this status.

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Among them are the magicians. Magic in general is a reprehensible characteristic, and the saints noticed from it the knowledge of letters that God showed them, which is the knowledge of the saints. They learn what God has deposited in the letters and names of the wondrous properties by which things affect them in the world of reality and imagination. Even though it is reprehensible in general, it is praiseworthy by restriction, and it is As a matter of honors and breach of customs, but they are not called sorcerers, even though they are seen breaking customs, so this is called karamah in their right, and it is the essence of magic according to the scholars. The magicians of Moses still had no knowledge of magic, even though they believed in the Lord of Aaron and Moses and entered into the religion of God and preferred the afterlife over this world and were satisfied. By the punishment of God at the hands of Pharaoh, despite the fact that they taught magic, and it is called the sci

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Among the people is someone who gives all of that in the name of God alone, so that takes the place of all the names, and it descends from this servant as “Kun,” which is a verse from the Opening of the Book, and from there it is done not from the Basmalah of the rest of the surahs, and most people do not have any news of that, and the Basmalah that is reacted to it. The existing beings in general are the Basmalah of the Fatiha, and as for the Basmalah of the rest of the surahs, they are for special matters. We met Fatima bint Muthanna, and she was one of the greatest righteous people who acted in the world, and it is evident from her breach of customs in the Fatiha of the Book, especially everything I saw that from her, and she used to imagine that this is known to everyone, and she used to say to me. It is astonishing that someone rebels against him and has the opening of the book for anything, but they do not read it, so he gets what he wants. This is nothing but clear deprivat

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