The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The oneness of sight is one of the rulings on visible things from the point of view of the seer to the astronomy, the Atlas, all that is contained within what sight perceived in that glimpse of essences and the symptoms existing therein from the universes and colours, and in worship every one is connected and the entire creation is connected from where he is called to converse with his Lord in the one moment as well. His command to stand, even though that is in terms of time, is fifty thousand years from the days of this world, and it is the day of Dhul-Ma’raj, and the Day of the Lord from the day of Dhul-Ma’raj is like half of a fifth of the fifth .

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Even though the days differ in their amounts and count them as the solar day, God’s command in them is like the blink of an eye for understanding and communication, and perhaps it is in the few less than this amount, but rather its amount is time, the individual and imaginary, which is the day of the matter, so the matter with regard to the truth is one of it, and with regard to the events of the whole world are affairs, had it not been Existence is limited to it, so we would say that it is infinite, so see the one ruling from the Ruler, how it is numerous and great, such that it is not possible for a number to limit it in terms of the world, but rather it is counted by the one who encompasses everything with knowledge and counts everything in numbers.

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Just as fifty thousand years became like one day, and in one day, so His command became like the blink of an eye, and the reason for that is that the one from whom the command is issued is not bound by it. He is in every commanded person, so that he commands, and the command is executed by his judgment in one go. This is if it is not far-fetched in the hadiths that he exists in this capacity, so what do you think of the matter? The truth is that the air rules over everything in the natural world faster than the blink of an eye, and it is one like a single human being, and so is the commanding spirit in minds and in natural bodies. Such things can only be ruled out by those who have no knowledge of matters and facts, especially if he repeats the pronoun in his question about its command over the conscience. What is mentioned in Surah Al-Qamar: And Our command is only one, like the blink of an eye, and this is what he intended, and God knows best, although it is permissible for him

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The matter of the Hour is like the blink of an eye, or is it nearer?

The answer: The Hour is called the Hour because it strives for us by crossing these times, not by cutting off distances or cutting off breaths. So whoever dies, his Hour will reach him and his resurrection will take place until the day of the Great Hour, which is for the hours of breaths, like a year for the total number of days that it specifies. Chapters with different provisions

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So the matter of the Hour and its affairs in the world are closer than the blink of an eye, for the essence of its arrival is the essence of its ruling, and the essence of its judgment is the essence of the ruling’s influence over the condemned, and the essence of its influence is the essence of its completion, and the essence of its completion is the essence of the rebuilding of the two worlds. A group is in Paradise and a group is in the Hellfire. Only those who know God’s power in Hell know this closeness. The presence of imagination in the natural world and what the scientist finds in it of the vast matters in the individual soul and the blink of an eye, then he sees the effect of that in the senses with the eye of the imagination, and he knows this closeness and the multiplication of years in the short time of the life of this world, and whoever stops at the story of Al-Jawhari will see a wonder, and it is from this door .< / p>

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If you say, “What is the story of Al-Jawhari?” we said, he mentioned about himself that he took the dough from his house to the oven, and he was in a state of ritual impurity, so he came to the Nile River to wash himself, and while in the water, he saw something like what a sleeper sees, as if he were in Baghdad, and he got married and lived with the woman for six years and gave her children, the numbers of which I have lost sight of. Then he came back to himself while he was in the water, so he finished washing him and went out and put on his clothes and came to the oven and took the bread and came to his house and told his family what he had seen in his incident. When months had passed, that woman whom he saw that he had married in the incident came to ask about his house, and when she met him, he recognized her and the children and what He denied them, and it was asked to her: “When will he get married?” and she said, “Six years ago, and these are his children from me.” So what

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These are among the six issues of the Egyptian Dhul-Nun that minds refer to. God has powers in the world that He created with different rulings, such as the difference between the rule of reason in the common people, the rule of sight, the rule of hearing, the rule of taste, and other powers that are in the common people, so God singled out His saints with powers that have similar rulings. No one would deny it except one who is ignorant of the power due to the Divine Majesty and the ascension of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, which is sufficient in this regard despite the distances that he traveled in such a short time .

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What is the word of God Almighty to the general public of the standing room ?

The answer: He says to them what you have brought, and it occurs in the hearing of the listeners differently according to their conditions, so their conditions differ according to their hearing. Rather, their hearings differ according to their conditions in the standing position, and it does not happen in the hearing of one of them what happened in the hearing of the other. It is a question about the soul in which he was captured, and this is not the case .

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