The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Taste, and whoever knows such a taste will be able to be characterized by such a characteristic, and this is the knowledge of the secret of destiny that is revealed to them if they are in this house and with this power.

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What is the permission for obedience and disobedience from our Lord ?

The answer: The Almighty said, “God does not command indecency. So the permission in which obedience and disobedience are common is the divine permission in that what is authorized is actually in it, not through judgment, because His ruling on things regarding obedience and disobedience is the same as His knowledge of them.” In this case, it is not intended, so the ruling is not commanded and ruled, and accordingly it is what is intended and commanded, so permission is not valid in obedience and disobedience since they are obedience and disobedience.

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God Almighty said, “And if good befalls them, they say, ‘This is from God,’ but if evil befalls them, they say, ‘This is from you.’ Say, ‘All is from God,’ since it is an act. What these people have is hardly And if they understand a hadith, then he denounces them that the bad deed came from Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, as he said. Concerning Moses, they revile Moses and those with him, so he said to them, “And whatever evil befalls you, it is from your own soul, not from Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.” So our argument in our question is only with his saying, “All is from God,” so he attributed all to God, and all is good, and He is in His hand, and evil is not from Him, so the questioner in charge was misled by the wording of obedience and disobedience. To see what knowledge he has, for it is a test question from him to the one who claims to know the facts through revelation, and we have stated this chapter in the Book of Knowledge for Us

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And what is the greatest intellect from which the intellects have been divided for all of His creation ?

The answer is that in the same matter it is required that the levels of information from the possible things be three: an order of meanings abstract from the materials that would be perceived by the minds through evidence and beginning, and an order that would be perceptible.


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Then, God willing, to make clear to those in charge of His servants the reasons for their happiness on the tongues of His human messengers to them through the mediation of the Most High Spirit sent down thus to the hearts of some of the human beings called messengers and prophets, He applied the meanings in the addresses to the same way as the tangible things in the forms that accept division, division, fewness, and abundance, and made the place for that His Holiness. Imagination confined the meanings to speech, so the minds received them by analogy, just as they receive the senses to which they have compared these meanings, which, in view of themselves, have no business being biased or divided, or few or many, or having a limit, amount, how and quantity, and He gave us evidence to accept what he brought of this kind in These images are what the sleeper sees in his sleep of knowledge in the form of milk, so he drinks it until he sees the irrigation coming out of his fingernails. T

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Among them was what the Lawgiver said about dividing intellects among people just as grains are divided. Among the people are those who have a mind represented in forms that would be measured by the Qafiz and the two Qafiz, the more and the less, the Madd and the Madin, and the more of that and the less, in order to show by this the difference between people in the intellects because it is what is witnessed by us. Because we see people who are all characterized as rational people with dreams. Some of them have a mind that understands the mysteries of secrets and meanings and bears the image of the one word of the wise in fifty aspects and a hundred and more and less of the mysterious meanings and the high sciences related to the divine or spiritual aspects or natures or mathematical science or the logical balance, and the mind of a person descends from This level goes down to what is less, another goes below this less, and another mind rises above this greater. When we saw the dis

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The form of the formation of intellects from this greater intellect is in achieving the matter by means of representation and similarity that is closest to the appropriate one with the first lamp, from which all the wicks are lit, so the lamp is multiplied by the number of wicks and the wicks are accepted from the light of that lamp according to their preparations. A natural wick that is extremely clean, pure in oil, and has a rich body, will be more acceptable in The breadth of light and in

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