The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

And the four of them are the pegs. With one, God preserves the faith, with the second, God preserves the guardianship, with the third, God preserves the prophecy, with the fourth, God preserves the message, and in all, God preserves the Hanifi religion. The pole of these never dies, that is, it is not shocked, and this knowledge that we have highlighted to the observers is not known by the people of our path except honest individuals.

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And every one of these four members of this nation at every time has a person in their hearts, despite their presence. They are their deputies. Most of the saints among the majority of our companions do not know the pole, the two imams, and the stake, except the deputies, not these messengers that we mentioned, and for this reason every one of the nation strives to attain these positions, so if they obtain or They were singled out for it, and they knew then that they were representatives of that pole, and the representative of the Imam knew that the Imam was someone other than him and that he was his representative, and so was the stake

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Part of the dignity of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, Muhammad, is that he made messengers from his nation and his followers, and if they were not sent, then they are among the people of the station from which they are sent, and they were sent, so know that. That is why the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, prayed on the night of his journey with the prophets, peace be upon them, in the heavens, so that it would be valid for him. The Imamate is upon everyone, with a sense of its physicality and body. When he moved, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, the matter remained preserved through these messengers, so the religion was established, thanks to God, no pillar of it was destroyed, since he had a protector who would protect it, even if corruption appeared in the world until God inherits the earth and those on it. This is a joke, so know its value, for you will not see it. In the words of someone from whom the secrets of th

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So praise God, our brothers, for God has made you among those whose hearing has heard the secrets of God hidden in His creation, which God has singled out for whomsoever He wills among His servants. So be accepting of them and believing in them, and do not forbid believing in them, for you forbid their goodness. Abu Yazid al-Bistami, one of the representatives of Abu Musa al-Dubaili, said: O Abu Musa. If you see someone who believes in the words of the people of this order, tell him to pray for you, for he will answer the call. I heard our sheikh, Abu Imran Musa bin Imran Al-Murtali, in his house in the Al-Radi Mosque in Seville, saying to the preacher, Abu Al-Qasim bin Afeer, and Abu Al-Qasim denounced what the people of this order say, O Abu Al-Qasim, do not do it, for if I did this and brought together two things. We do not see it from ourselves and we do not believe in it from anyone else. There is no evidence to refute it and no slanderer to slander it according to Sharia or

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And know that the men of God in this way are called the world of souls, and it is a name that applies to all of them, and they are of many classes and different conditions. Some of them are those who have all the conditions and classes combined, and some of them achieve from that what God wills, and there is no class that does not have a special title of people of conditions and stations. Which they appear in his sayings and references to, they show every sect in its kind, and among them are those who are limited by a number in every time, and among them are those who do not have a necessary number, so they are few and many, and let us mention among them the people of numbers and those who have no number by their titles, God Almighty willing .

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Among them, may God be pleased with them, are the Qutb, and they are the ones who bring together conditions and stations, whether authentically or by proxy, as we mentioned. They may expand on this term and call anyone who has a certain station of the Qutb and who was unique in his time among his kind. The man of the country may be called the Qutb of that country, and the sheikh of the community is called the Qutb of that country. The group, but the poles are defined to have this name in absolute terms without any addition. There is only one of them in time, and he is also Al-Ghawth, and he is one of the close associates, and he is the master of the group in his time. Among them are those who are outwardly ruling and possess the apparent caliphate, just as they possessed the hidden caliphate in terms of position, such as Abu Bakr and Omar. And Othman, Ali, Al-Hasan, Muawiyah bin Yazid, Omar bin Abdul Aziz, and Al-Mutawakkil, and among them are those who have the internal caliphate

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Among them, may God be pleased with them, are the imams, and they do not exceed two in every era, without a third, one is Abdul-Rab, the other is Abdul-Malik, and the Qutb is Abdullah. God Almighty said, “And when Abdullah, meaning Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, arose, each man had a divine name that belonged to him, and he would be called Abdullah, even if His name was whatever it was, so all the poles are Abdullah, and the imams at all times are Abdul-Malik and Abdul-Rab, and they are the ones who succeed the pole if he dies, and they are to the pole in the status of two ministers. One of them is limited to witnessing the world of the kingdom, and the other is with the world of the king .

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