The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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The truth is the garment of His existence, so its essence is the interior of His existence, and its existence is the essence of its Creator, for only the Truth appears and nothing else, and the servant’s essence remains true to his origin, but he benefits from the knowledge he did not have of himself and of the one who covered him with the garment of his existence and knowledge of people like him, and the world saw each other with the eyes of the existence of his Lord .

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So whoever looks at himself with the eyes of his Lord and does not differentiate, then he has deviated from what he should, then he is the servant described as ignorance in the eyes of the truth, and his ruling in this description and the situation is the ruling of one who is not characterized by existence, because ignorance is non-existence. So whoever says in his vision that he has not seen God but God is the perfect servant, and so on. Every relation, and this is the lowest level of knowledge. It is followed by the second knowledge, in which the owner says, “I had my eyes closed, so I opened them, and I did not encounter anything except that it was God. I did not see anything but God, and the objects on their origins have no effect on my seeing them.” The third knowledge is the one in which the owner says, “I did not see anything.” The fourth knowledge is that he says, “I did not see anything except that I saw God before it,” and this is a specific vision, as well as what was r

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So the matter is limited to three main types of knowledge: knowledge of the ratio of exaltation, knowledge of the ratio of identification and similarity, and knowledge given by your position between these two ratios, which is your eye, not the existence of your eye, because the existence of your eye is the existence of the truth, so it is not attributed to you. Whoever has no knowledge of these matters is the deviant.

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And know that God has characteristics in every type of creature, and we have mentioned that in this book, and this human type is among the total types, and God has characteristics and descriptions in it, and the highest of His characteristics among His servants are the Messengers, peace be upon them, and they have the status of prophethood, guardianship, and faith. They are the pillars of the house of this type, and the Messenger is the best in status. And the highest of them in status, that is, the station from which he is sent, has the highest status with God among all other stations, and they are the poles, the imams, and the pegs through whom God protects the world just as He protects a house with its pillars. If a corner of it were to be removed, the house would cease to be a house. However, the house is the religion, except that its pillars are the message, prophethood, guardianship, and faith, except that The message is the comprehensive pillar of the House and its pillars,

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This type is not without a messenger from God’s messengers, just as the Sharia, which is God’s religion, remains in it. However, that messenger is the indicated pole to which the truth looks, so this type will remain in this world, even if everyone disbelieves, except that man is not correct. He has this name unless he has a natural body and soul and is present in this earthly world with his body and reality, so the Messenger through whom God protects this human type must be present in this kind in this world with his body and soul being nourished and he is the manifestation of truth from Adam until the Day of Resurrection . p>

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And since the matter was as we mentioned, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, died after he established the religion that cannot be abrogated and the law that cannot be changed, and all the messengers entered into this law and carry out it, and the earth is not devoid of a living messenger in his body, for he is the center of the human world, even if they were a thousand messengers. One of these must be the intended Imam. After the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, God Almighty left three of the Messengers alive with their bodies in this world, and they are Idris, peace be upon him. He remained alive in his body, and God placed him in the Fourth Heaven.

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The seven heavens are from the world of this world, and they remain with their existence, and their form disappears with their annihilation. They are part of the earthly abode, for in the other abode, the heavens and the earth are replaced by something else, just as this earthly origin of ours is replaced by other origins other than this, as was reported in the happy people of purity, tenderness, and gentleness, for they originate naturally, physically. They do not accept heavy burdens, and they do not defecate, urinate, or blow their nose, as was the case in this worldly upbringing, and so do the people of misery.

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Elias and Jesus also remained on earth, both of whom are messengers and they are adherents of the Hanifi religion that Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, brought. These are three of the messengers on whom there is consensus that they are messengers, and as for Al-Khidr, who is the fourth, he is one of the disputed matters among others, not us, so these people will remain with their bodies in the earthly world. They are all the pegs, and two of them are the Imams, and one of them is the pole, which is the place of the world’s view of the truth. The messengers are still in this abode until the Day of Resurrection, even if they were not sent with an abrogating law, nor are they following the law of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, but most people do not know. < /p >

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And one of these four, who are Jesus, Elias, Idris, and Khidr, is the Qutb, and he is one of the pillars of the Bayt al-Din, which is the corner of the Black Stone, and two of them are the Imams

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