The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

Or what is meant by this supplication is the exact characteristic, and you are by virtue of being followed, because this specific description does not exist by itself, so you are not what is sought, and you must have a name that you have from that characteristic that calls you by it, or you are the one being called in terms of your essence, and the characteristic follows what is intended in the supplication. Because no eye was mentioned for it in this particular supplication, so who among the knowers paid attention to the eye and not the eye of the attribute, because God Almighty said, “And God is upon the people,” and He did not say about the Muslims, and He did not mention an additional attribute to their notables, so He made it a divine obligation for notables. If this supplication was performed by the possessor of the name, which is the people, it would be said of it: He has answered an intrinsic answer, so the reward for his answer will be the manifestation of the one who cal

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If it is said that it is not correct for this to be the truth of this comprehensive name, but rather the caller comes with a special name that specifies it to the state of the one being called and designates the name that is specific to him, such as the hungry person saying, O God, feed me, for God who supplicates encompasses both the giver and the one who withholds, so it is impossible to answer if the supplicant intended what this name indicates and what the supplicant intended. Except for the Provider, the Provider, the Sustainer, whatever the impediment intends. If God feeds him, then no one responds to him except the Provider. Likewise, his saying, “And to God is the responsibility of the people, the Hajj to the House” is not intended by this name exactly what it denotes, for among its connotations are divine names that prevent the answering of the one who is obligated, and names that give an answer to the one who is obligated, so what he called by this name is except the nam

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Know that the essence from both sides cannot be required because it exists, but rather it is related to the non-existent request in order for it to exist, so nothing is called except the non-existent because supplication is a request and the request is the same as the will, and the will is only related to the non-existent. We said, and so it happened, for nothing appeared from this called except the answer and it was non-existent despite the fact that The essence of the one being called for what he is being called to exists exists, so the answer appeared from the one being called after it had not existed, because the answer does not occur except after the supplication of a supplicant, and this non-existent and established being called is not valid for its existence from the essence of the called, but rather it is valid in the essence of the called if the called is from the world, so he lacks the caller saying to him, “Be,” then The person being called is a response to his command

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And thus is the divine and cosmic existence in the same matter, and if what is apparent gives something other than this, then there is nothing in the universe except a Muslim in language, because he is then nothing but a submissive to the divine command, because he who is told “Be” is not there, but he refuses, rather he is without discouragement, and nothing is valid except that, so if the Hajj takes place Of the people, it did not happen except from a Muslim.

The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to Hakim bin Hizam, “I converted to Islam for the good I had done previously .

And it was not permissible on the part of God for him to do so in the event that Pre-Islamic times, and before the mission of the Messenger, God Almighty considered it for him due to the rule of original submission given by the reality of the possible, which is general Islam. So whoever considers the totality will find it, and whoever considers the exact characte

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