The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

For a benefit he saw, then Omar after him wanted to take it out, but he abstained, following the example of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so he is in it until now

As for me, a tablet of gold was brought to me from it and brought to me while I was in Tunisia in the year five hundred and ninety-eight. It has a slit as thick as a finger, and a span in width, and a span or more in length, written on it with a pen I do not know, and that is for a reason that occurred between me and God, so I asked God to return it to its place in order to be polite with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. If I had taken it out to the people, blind strife would have arisen, so I left it also for this purpose, for God’s blessings and peace be upon him. He left what he left in vain. Rather, he left it to be brought out by the One who is in charge of God’s command at the end of time, who will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was fi

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Likewise, God placed in the heart of the knower a treasure of knowledge of God, so he bore witness to God with what the truth testified to himself, that there is no god but God, and denied this rank from everything else, saying, “God bears witness that there is no god but Him, and the angels, and those possessing knowledge,” so He made it a treasure in the hearts of those who know God, and when It was a treasure, so it will not enter the scales on the Day of Resurrection, and no eye will be visible to it unless it is in the white mound on the Day of False. Its body will be visible, and it is pronounced out of concern for the record holder and nothing else. For that one person, it will be placed in his scales for pronouncing it, since he has no good other than it, so nothing weighs on its outside. So where are you regarding its spirit and meaning? It is a treasure that is stored forever in this world and the afterlife, and everything that appears in universes and objects of goodnes

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Then God made this house, which is the place of mentioning the name of God, on four pillars. Likewise, God made the heart on four natures that carry it and on them its origin was based, just as the house today stands on four pillars, just as the throne stands on four bearers today, and so it is stated in the report that they are four today and tomorrow they will be. Eight, for the Hereafter contains the rule of this world and the Hereafter, so tomorrow it will be eight, and the rule and authority of the other four will appear in the Hereafter. Likewise, the heart in the Hereafter will be carried by the eight of the four that we mentioned and the unseen four, which are knowledge, ability, will, and speech, and nothing else. If you say, “It exists today,” then why did you place it in the Hereafter? We said, and likewise. The eight of the bearers are present today in their appearance, but there is no ruling for them in the specific pregnancy until tomorrow. Likewise, for these qualit

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God’s house is the heart of His faithful servant, and the house is the house of His name, the Most High, and the Throne is the level of the Most Merciful. So whatever you call upon, to Him belong the best names. So do not be loud in your prayer and do not be silent in it, for He knows what is loud and what is hidden, just as He knows what is secret and more hidden and purer, which is His saying. And seek a way between that, for it is It is more hidden than secret, that is, it is more apparent, because the middle barrier between the two extremes that defines the two extremes and distinguishes them is hidden from them, like the line dividing the shadow and the sun, the isthmus between the two seas, the brackish and the Euphrates, and the separator between blackness and whiteness in the body. We know that then there is a dividing line, but the eye does not perceive it, and the mind bears witness to it, even if it does not comprehend what it is. That is, it is incomprehensible what it

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And since the Hajj to this House is the repetition of the intention in a specific time, likewise the heart is drawn to the Divine Names in a specific state, since every name has a special state that it seeks. No matter how that state appears from the servant, he asks for the name that belongs to him and he intends that name. For this reason, the Divine Names perform Hajj to the House of the heart and may perform Hajj to it. From

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