The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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This praise is representatives of the truth, praising Him through His words that He revealed to them, and they are the people of God according to the text of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, for they are the people of the Qur’an, and the people of the Qur’an are the people of God and His special ones, so they are representatives of Him in praising Him. Their praise was not based on psychological deduction or cosmic choice, nor did they create praise. From them, he did not hear anything from their praise except his words with which he praised himself. It is a divine, holy, pure praise, free from the cosmic blemish. God Almighty said to his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, reward him until he hears the word of God, so he added the words to him, not to his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace .

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And when God Almighty made the heart of His servant a noble house and a great sanctuary and mentioned that He expanded it when neither heaven nor earth could encompass it, we know with certainty that the heart of the believer is more honorable than this house, and He made the thoughts that pass by it like those of those who circumambulate, and since there are among those who circumambulate those who know the sanctity of the House, they treat them in circumambulating it with the same appropriateness. He deserves greatness and reverence, and among the circumambulators are those who do not know this, so they circumambulate it with hearts heedless and distracted, and tongues speaking without mentioning God. Rather, perhaps they circumambulate out of curiosity and false speech. Likewise, the thoughts that pass through the heart of the believer, some of which are blameworthy and some of which are praiseworthy, and just as God has decreed that every circumambulator circumambulates it in

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Then God Almighty made his house four corners for a divine secret, and they are in fact three corners because it is shaped like a cube. The one corner next to the stone is like the stone in the picture, cubic in shape, and for that reason it is called the Kaaba, similar to the heel. So if you consider the three pillars, you make them in the heart the place of the divine mind, and the other corner. The corner of the royal mind and the third corner is the corner of the psychological mind, for the divine is the corner of the stone, and the royal corner is the Yemeni and psychological corner, the cube that is in the stone and nothing else, and there is no place for the satanic thoughts in it, and in this way the hearts of the prophets are triangular in shape in the shape of the Kaaba.

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And when God wanted what He wanted of making the fourth pillar visible, He made it for the satanic thoughts, which is the Iraqi pillar, so the Levantine pillar remains for the psychological thoughts. Rather, we made the satanic thoughts for the Iraqi pillar, because the law legislated for it to be said, “I seek refuge in God from discord, hypocrisy, and bad morals.” And with the legitimate remembrance in each corner, the ranks of the pillars are known. In this square shape are the hearts of the believers, except for the infallible messengers and prophets, so that God distinguishes His messengers and prophets from all the rest of the believers by the infallibility that He gave them and bestowed upon them. A prophet has only three thoughts: divine, royal, and psychological. This may be for some of the saints who have a large portion of prophethood, such as Suleiman al-Dunbali. I met him and he was one of those who had this condition. So he told me about himself that he had been fift

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When God considered the first form of the House, He made a stone for it in His image and called it a stone, because it was forbidden for anyone other than the prophets and messengers to attain that rank, a wisdom from Him, Glory be to Him. For the saints have divine protection and are infallible. One of the saints from God’s people, namely Abdullah bin Al-Ustadh Al-Moururi, told me that Sheikh Abd al-Razzaq or someone else had doubts from me, rather others from him without a doubt, for I remembered him seeing Satan and he said to him, “How are you with Sheikh Abu Madin Abd Salih, an imam in monotheism and trust who was in Bejaia?” Satan said, “I do not resemble myself in what we cast into his heart except as someone who has urinated in the surrounding sea.” He was told, “Why?” He urinated in it. He said, “Until he made it impure, so purity does not fall into it. Have you seen someone more ignorant than this person?” Likewise, I and Abu Madyan’s heart. Whenever I cast a matter in i

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The height of the House is twenty-seven cubits, and the cubit of the highest stone is twenty-eight cubits. Each cubit is a measure of some divine matter known to the people of revelation. These amounts are equivalent to the stations of the heart that are intersected by the planets of faith that are the vehicle for showing events occurring in the soul, similar to the houses of the moon and the planets that are the vehicle for revealing events in the elemental world. Both letter by letter and meaning by meaning

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