The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God Almighty has commanded me, through the tongue of His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to advise God, His Messenger, and the imams of the Muslims, and to address them in a general manner. Then He addressed me in private, without intermediary, other than once in Mecca and Damascus, and He said to me, “Advise my servants in a good news that I had shown, and it helped me in the matter more than it helped others, for God will make This is God’s care and honor for me, not a test or a test.

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Whoever stands before God Almighty with this knowledge is the one who is standing, and if he is asleep, then he did not sleep without it. And whoever does not stand before him with this knowledge, then he is asleep, and if he is standing, watch over him in your heart, for he is the one who expanded him as he is. He is watching over you, for you do not know the location of its effects on you and on others except by observing. And know that those who stand up during the month of Ramadan are on two minds. Among them is the one standing for Ramadan, and among them is the one standing for Laylat al-Qadr, which is better than a thousand months, and the people in it are in disagreement. And the one standing during it for Ramadan does not change his condition by increase or decrease. And the one who stands For Laylat al-Qadr, his situation changes according to his sect during it.

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People differed regarding Laylat al-Qadr, I mean its time. Some of them said that it revolves around the entire year, and I say that, for I saw it in Sha`ban, in the month of Rabi`, and in the month of Ramadan. I saw it mostly in the month of Ramadan and in the last ten days of it, and I saw it once in the middle ten days of Ramadan in other than... The night of Witr and in the odd night of it, we are certain that it takes place in the year in the odd odd night and the middle of the month in which it is seen .

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Whoever rises for the sake of Laylat al-Qadr, he has risen for himself, even if his standing is to encourage the right to seek it. And whoever stands for the sake of the name established by Ramadan or any other, then his standing is for the sake of God, not for himself, and it is more complete, and all are legislated. Some people are slaves and some are hired, and it is for the sake of rent that the divine books were revealed between the employee and the tenant. If they were slaves, the truth would not have written a decree for them upon himself, for the slave does not decree his master’s duty, rather he is a worker in his possession and has access to what he needs. Those have their reward, and the slaves have their light, and He is their master, for He is the light of the heavens and the earth. God Almighty said: “Those are the truthful ones and the martyrs with their Lord. They have their reward,” meaning the parts, and they are From those from whom He bought the truth, their so

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And know that the Night of Power, if a person encounters it, is better for him in what God bestows upon him than a thousand months. If it were only one in a thousand months, then how about when it is in every twelve months in every year? This is a strange meaning that has not reached your ears except in this text. Then it includes another meaning, which is that it is better than a thousand months without specifying, and if the excess over a thousand months is unlimited, it is not known where it ends. God did not make it that it resists a thousand months, but rather made it better than that, that is, better than that without timing. So if the servant attains it, he is like one who lived. In worshiping his Lord sincerely for more than a thousand months without timing, it is like someone who exceeds the natural age and falls into the unknown age, even if he must die, but he does not know whether after exceeding the natural age with one breath and for thousands of years. Thus, this is

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And know that the month here, in the true sense, is the perfect servant when he walks the moon, which God made light and gave it one of His names, so that He, the Most High, is what is meant, not the moon’s body. The moon, in terms of its body, is a manifestation of the truth in its name, light, so it walks in the stations of His servant, which are limited to twenty-eight. So, It has ended and been called a month according to the truth because it has completed the path and resumed another path like this from the path of meaning always and forever, for the action of truth in beings is not finite and has permanence with the preservation of God Almighty just as the servant walks in the stations of the divine names which are ninety-nine and the ninety-ninth of them is the means and it is none other than Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. And the ninety-eight for us are like the twenty-eight stations of the moon, and some people call it the singular human and the twenty-f

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