The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In the presence of this manifestation, this manifestation does not know an intrinsic taste, and man witnesses it, the Almighty, if he is one of the people of perfect knowledge of God in all that the king witnesses in him. The king is in whatever position he may be. However, this does not indicate that man is greater in the sight of God than the king, for man is more perfect in his creation. And the king has the most perfect status. This is what the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to me in the scene of an incident in which I saw him, may God bless him and grant him peace, so I asked him, but man is more unanimous about taste than kingship for the sake of his association, and some people make mistakes in this position in order to form the spiritual person in any form he wishes, and he did not know that kohl is in the eyes. It is not like kohl. The perfect human being, not the animal human being, has the most perfect creation of the realities upon which

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We have a poem about this in a strange incident, and I was called to hold you in the house.

I held you in my house to display my image. *** Glory be to you, praise be to You, and Glory be to Us .


Your eyes have never seen a perfect person like me*** nor have my eyes seen a human being like you

There is nothing left in the possibility that is more perfect than you *** I have established proof of this from the Sharia

So what perfection was there only you *** After all This is what they were.

I purified my creation with the image of Adam*** and I established this in the laws out of faith

And I named him when he appeared in my form *** truly before my sight, and if he were a human being

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So, may God help you, fulfill what we have indicated in fasting the three days of each month that we have mentioned, as they are our right, according to what we mentioned, and these three days are accepted as zakat for that month by the public, and in the total year, the zakat for that year, which is thirty-six days, so < / p>

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