The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

The embarrassment and hardship in that, even if it were forbidden, he would not have continued with them, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. It has been reported that he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “This religion is solid, so delve into it gently.”

And he said, “Whoever struggles with this religion will overcome it. ”

Muslim narrated on the authority of Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, continued at the end of the month of Ramadan, and some of the Muslims continued, and he heard that. He said, “If the month were extended for us, we would continue to pray.” All of them, let him continue until dawn each day, so the night is included in the fast every night, and the limit of dawn is for breaking it, so the limit of sunset for the day applies to one who does not continue .

In the Sahih it is that, peace be upon him, he said, “Whichever of you wants to continue, let him continue until da

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What supports our statement is that he wanted to have mercy on people in that.

It was also narrated by Muslim on the authority of Aisha, who said that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, forbade them from keeping in touch out of mercy for them. They said, “You are keeping in touch.” He said, “I am not like your appearance. I have stayed overnight. My Lord will feed me and give me drink. ” < /p>

So he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, revealed the condition of that group to whom he addressed that they did not have this condition, and that what he meant by that was that it was specific to him and not his nation. We found it to be a taste of our souls in our connection, so we spent the night in a state of connection, so our Lord fed us and gave us drink in our abode on the night of our connection, so we became We are strong and do not crave food and the smell of the food that we ate, which we were fed by our Lord. It smells from us, and people mar

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The wisdom of connection is that the Truth said that fasting is for him and commanded us to do what is for him and made it an act of worship like no other. So if he breaks the fast between the two days, then he does not continue. If he does not break the fast, connection is achieved. Thus, he points to connecting the servant’s fasting with fasting added to the truth, to show him that the servant has a kind of excellence in fasting, as The truth of fasting is exalted, as it is a good warning to those who know it. The same is true of the matter itself, for the servant has exaltation that belongs to him, especially if his work is to exalt the truth, for his work will return to him, which is exaltation. For exalting the truth is not exalting the exalted, but rather He, the Most High, exalts the essence to Himself, which we exalt, so it returns. We took it easy when others forbade it. Whoever is able to reach us during these six days is more deserving and more deserving .

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If someone finds a quotation from the Arabs in the tongue, deleting the “ha” in the masculine number, he will carry the hadith in that language, and we have narrated that when God revealed it to His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and they plotted a great deception, the people present did not recognize this melody and did not know its meaning, so while they were like that, if the Bedouins came A stranger came and entered upon the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he greeted him and said, “O Muhammad, I am a man of the greatest of my people,” with the addition of the kaf and the emphasis on the “ba,” so those present knew that this word had been revealed to be composed by that Arab and his companions, so they knew its meaning.

So it is not far-fetched for it to be the deletion of the “ha.” It is permissible in the masculine number in the language of some Bedouins, even if that is not discredited according to the facts witnessed t

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He made it six, and did not make it more or less, and made it clear that this is fasting for a lifetime, according to the words of God Almighty: Whoever does a good deed will have ten times it. Most of the scholars of God are upon this, and this has a specific limit, which is that the number of Ramadan be thirty days, and if it falls below this level, and with us, it is forced by this. The six days of fasting for a lifetime are what is reduced by breaking the fast on the days on which fasting is forbidden, which are six days: the day of breaking the fast, the day of sacrifice, and the three days of Tashreeq, and the sixteenth day of Shaban is made up for with these six days. God Almighty created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, and we were what was meant by that creation, so He appeared in these six days for our sake, as was stated in the report.

So, glory be to Him, was for us in those days, so He made fasting for these six days for us.

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For this reason, Ahmad al-Sabti, son of the Commander of the Faithful Harun al-Rashid, used to fast six days of every Friday and busy himself with worship during them. If it was a Saturday, he would be particular about what he ate for the rest of the week, and this is how he was called al-Sabti. I met him while circumambulating on a Friday after the prayer, and I did not recognize him except that I denied him and his condition during the circumambulation. I did not see him jostling or jostling or penetrating the two legs without separating them, so I said, “This is an incarnate spirit without a doubt,” so I caught him and greeted him. He responded to me and his cattle, and a conversation and negotiation took place between me and him, and one of them was that I said, “Why did I designate Saturday for the work of the craft?” and he said, “Because God Almighty began.”

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