The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Whoever observes the quorum without a year, this is considered to be beyond time. If man produces what is formed from nature, he has reached the quorum, so zakat is due, which is attaching this to the four attributes that are established in divine knowledge, without which creation is not valid, and nature is a machine, there is no god .

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Whoever considers the year with the quorum, then if what is formed from man is formed from the elements and not from nature, and nothing is formed from the elements except by the passage of time over them, and they are the movements of the spheres above them, then their zakat is restricted by time, and it is the giving of God Almighty’s right from that formation by adding it to the face. The Divine Specificity that He has in every possible thing without regard to its cause, and this is the world of creation and command, and the First is the world of command in particular, so know that.

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A group held that around it is considered from the day it was benefited, whether the original was a quorum or not, and that is what I say. And a group said about the profit, it is around the original, that is, if the original completes a year, zakat is made on the profit along with it, whether the original was a quorum or less than the quorum if it reached it. The basic principle is that his profit is a quorum, and Malik and his companions were unique in this matter, and a group differentiated between whether the capital within one year’s time is a quorum or not. They said that if it is a quorum, zakat is paid on its profit along with the capital, and if it is not a quorum, then it is not zakat.

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Deeds are money, and their profits are the images that are made of them, such as the praying person or the one who remembers. An angel is created for him from his remembrance and prayer, for whom forgiveness will be sought until the Day of Resurrection. So the images that wear deeds are their profits. Like the one who withholds zakat, his money comes to him, which is the amount of zakat. He is courageous. He is knocked down by two raisins. He is surrounded by him. It is said to him, “This is your treasure.”

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Works are divided into two categories: spiritual work, which is the work of hearts, and natural work, which is the work of bodies, which are tangible works. Whatever is a tangible work, the year is considered in it, and what is a moral work, the year is not considered in it because it is outside the rule of time, and the quorum must be considered in meaning and sense, and it has We have previously considered the quorum, which is the amount, before this in this chapter, and the form of zakat on that profit is the good that it brings to the worker, from the fact that it is described with the characteristics of religion, to give them zakat from the poor and needy, and other than that, and it is the saying of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, regarding works that he creates in the form of property, that he seeks forgiveness. He has that kingdom until the Day of Resurrection .

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And I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, while I was in Mecca in a dream, and he said and pointed to the Kaaba, “O inhabitants of this house, do not prevent anyone who circumambulates this house at any time of the day or night from praying at any time he wants of the day or night, for God From his prayers, an angel will be created for him who will ask forgiveness for him until the Day of Resurrection, and some of this news is confirmed by

What was narrated on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he said, O Banu Abd Manaf, do not prevent anyone from circumambulating this House and praying at any time he wants, day or night. Narrated by Al-Nasa’i in his Sunan

And God knows best

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This is what is benefited from money other than its profit. Some scholars said that the scholars are unanimously agreed that if the money is less than the quorum and another money is benefited from it other than its profit, then the quorum is completed from their sum, then he will receive it for one year from the day on which it was completed. They disagreed if he benefited from it. Money and it has a quorum of other money that a year has passed, and some of them said that zakat is given on the benefit if it is a quorum for its year, and it is not added to the money on which zakat is due, and this is what I say. And some of them said that all the benefits are zakat for the year of the original if the original is a quorum, and so is the profit according to them .

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Whoever establishes a good Sunnah will have its reward and the reward of whoever acts upon it. He has benefited from the work of others, as long as it is not his own work, so it is his profit, rather it is work. The ruling on that is based on what is in the apparent ruling, as we have explained in the schools of thought, despite their differences in what matters. They differed on it, and their consensus on what they agreed on, as mentioned in the chapters before it, is the same as considering it.

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Among the scholars are those who say that it is about offspring that is about mothers, whether mothers are a quorum or not, and there are those who say that it is not about offspring that is about mothers unless the mothers are a quorum

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Their offspring, and We have not given them anything of their deeds. This applies to those who believe and whose offspring follow them in faith. These offspring are in the status of voluntary good deeds, and mothers are like obligatory prayers .

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