The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Know that in the soul of the believer is the share of Paradise, and whoever contains it, zakat, and to God is what remains, and it is the one in which the sale is valid. To this, the group of investigators from the people of God’s path went to enumerate the types of those for whom zakat is due from their own souls, for Paradise contains categories from which they ask for it from their souls. The believer is what they deserve, which is zakat. The minors ask for it for housing, and the wives ask for it for what they need from him. The eight responsible parts of the human being, just as zakat is obligatory for them in them, also have a proportion in taking the zakat from another side, so what is in heaven takes the place of one who distributes to them what is appropriate for him. < /p >

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Whoever withholds zakat from himself from one of these types while acknowledging that it is obligatory for him, then he is unjust and is not an infidel, except in prayer in particular. If he abandons it is an infidel, then the Sharia calls him an infidel simply by neglecting, and I do not know what he means. Rather, the one who withholds zakat is an oppressor, since he withholds the rights of others that are obligatory. To them, and after this, God willing, I will mention what zakat is due on, and God speaks the truth and He guides the way.

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Scientists have agreed that zakat is due on eight things limited to minerals, plants, and animals. The metals are gold, silver, plants, wheat, barley, dates, animals, camels, cows, and sheep. This is what is agreed upon and is correct according to us. As for raisins, there is disagreement .

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Zakat is obligatory from a person on eight organs: sight, hearing, tongue, hand, stomach, genitals, leg, and heart. For each organ, and for each of these organs, there is an obligatory charity for which God asks the servant for it in the afterlife. As for voluntary charity, every vein in a person is required to pay a charity as

He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “There is a sadaqa on every human being’s salute.

And the salami are the veins on the back of the hand, and it is said, ‘veins.’ So every tasbihah is a sadaqah, and every tahlila is a sadaqah. And so are praises and takbirs.

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The zakat on these organs is the right of God Almighty, which He has obligated on man from these eight organs, just as He made it obligatory on these eight of gold, paper, and all the rest of what we mentioned about which zakat is obligatory by agreement, so it is obligatory on the believer to fulfill the right of God Almighty in each organ, so zakat on sight is what is obligatory. God Almighty has the right to do so, such as turning a blind eye to what is forbidden and looking at what looking at brings one closer to God, such as looking at the Qur’an, at the face of a scholar, and at the face of those whom you are pleased with, such as family, children, and the like, and like looking at the Kaaba if you are next to it. It has been reported that the one who looks at the Kaaba has twenty mercies in his life. Every day, the one who performs it has sixty mercies, and in this way it examines all the responsible parts of the human being, whether they do what they should and refrain fro

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And know that these types include the elemental generators, as we said, which are minerals, plants, animals, and then a fourth, so God imposed zakat on specific types of each type of generators for the purity of the type, so the type is undoubtedly purified from the claim that occurred in it from man due to ownership. The basic principle is purity in that it belongs to God absolutely.

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This is because the origin from which things appeared is from His Holy Name, which is pure in itself from the impurity of newly created things. When things appeared in their essence and the owners’ claims of ownership occurred in them, the attribution of ownership to someone other than their creator occurred to them, which removed them from the original purity that they had from being attributed to their creator before. That this accidental defilement is caused by someone else’s ownership of it, and it is enough to be a juvenile, and these types have no disposal in themselves, so God obligated zakat on their owner and made that their purity, so God appointed a share in them that returns to God by God’s command to attribute it to its original owner, so it acquires purity, for zakat has only been made by God the purity of wealth. And also take into account

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These assigned organs are pure by virtue of their origin, for they are on the first nature, and that purity and justice will not be removed from them. Will you not see them martyred on the Day of Resurrection and their testimony accepted for their original zakat and justice, for the origin of things is justice because they are of a pure origin, and wounds are temporary. God Almighty said, “Indeed, the hearing, the sight, and the heart are all of those.” He was questioned about him, and he said, “The day when their tongues and their hands and their feet will bear witness against them.” And God Almighty said, “And they will say to their skins, ‘Why did you bear witness against us?’ And God Almighty said, ‘And were you not concealing it?’” Your hearing, your eyesight, and your skins have been reduced to you. This is all information from God to us that every part of us is a just, pure, and satisfactory witness. This is good news for us, but more. People do not know the image

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