The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

God’s mediation in saving us, and for us the sun is a poor servant to God Almighty, except that God has His care. This is what He said to me while we were at His table eating His hospitality .

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God Almighty says in this prostration, and among His signs, the conscience refers to God as the night and the day, and if it is narrated from the sun, then it is not one of its signs, rather it is one of my signs. Then he said, “By the sun and the moon,” and told them that God erases the sign of the night, and it is the moon, and its light does not appear to the sight except by the night and its light. It is borrowed, for it is the reflection of the light of the sun, for it is like a mirror. The light that the moon gives you is only from the sun, and it connects only because it erased and made the sign of the day visible, meaning its light is apparent to the eye. We made that rising and setting for the one whose reckoning is with the sun to know the seasons of his year, and for the one whose reckoning is with the moon the number of years, and the reckoning God says in The new moons are times for people and for Hajj .

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So he said to them, “If your worship of the sun and the moon is for this reason, then I am the Creator of these verses as indications of Me, and prostrate to God who created them.” All night and day, and the sun and moon, are in the pronoun, and here the feminine prevails over the masculine, because the night and the day, the sun, and the moon are passive, not passive, so it is a clear simile for the one who reasoned, and their plural is plural. It is reasonable for the feminine to also point out the lack of the degree that is due to the masculine, and he did not say that they were created so as not to magnify their value by predominance of the masculine over the feminine in their speech. They say Zayd and the Fatimites came out, but do not say they came out, so God who created them is more deserving of worshiping Him than they are, because the rank of the active is above the rank of the passive. The truth is better and more deserving of being worshiped than one who has imperfecti

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And He said, “Indeed, those with your Lord, meaning those who know God, are among the angels who are below the concave surface of the moon’s sphere. They glorify Him day and night, and they are more knowledgeable about God than you. If what you have taken of these were gods, the angels would have been more deserving of prostrating to them than you, because you know that they are more knowledgeable, so they prostrate to God without being specific or Coldness

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It is the prostration of mirth and amusement, alerting those who are heedless of God, and it is the prostration at the end of Surat An-Najm, and in prostration there is a dispute, and its prostration is associated with the divine command, humiliation, and poverty, because the submissive are idle, so He says to them, “And if you are worthy of singing, then sing with the Qur’an, for it is more worthy of you, so prostrate to God and worship”

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It has been mentioned in the report that God’s permission for a prophet is like His permission for a prophet who sings with the Qur’an. He says what he listens as he listens.

And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “He who does not sing with the Qur’an is not one of us, ” so he made singing . It is from the Sunnah, which is the Himyarite language. They say, “fertilize for us,” meaning, “enrich for us” at the time of their harvest, so that they will be active for work .

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When the Arabs heard the Qur’an, they would sing so that they would not hear the Qur’an, and they would say, “What God has told about them: Do not listen to this Qur’an, and distort it, perhaps you will be victorious,” as those of the scholars whom God has not given success to do today. If they hear the words of God’s people, with the secrets that God gives them, they say, “This is nonsense and popcorn.” As for those who exaggerate, they say this is blasphemy, and if they asked about the meaning of what they heard, they would not know.

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So God said, “Is it from this hadith, meaning from the Qur’an, in what He exhorted them from among them, and threatened them, and promised them?” You wonder and amaze a lot. How did he bring it like this and what was revealed to your great ones, just as they said, “If only this Qur’an had not been sent down to a great man from the two cities,” and you laugh. You mock him if he brings it And these are the ones whose ignorance we have mentioned that they do not know the truth except through men, and you are steadfast. He says to the lesser things, so do not do so, and do not be arrogant, and submit to God, whose words these are in your language, and submit to His abode, for in the Qur’an there is what makes one cry from the warning, and what laughs and marvels in it from the joy of the breadth of God’s mercy and kindness to His servants, and do not cry. Of the threats and fears that cry instead of tears, blood for those who reversed His verses, while you are steadfast, and in the Qu

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It is the prostration of combination and existence. So whoever prostrates the prostration of the star and does not produce for him the science of tones and melodies the astronomical singer and sees that the voices of every voice are psalms of truth in the world, and David, peace be upon him, bears witness to this revelation and sees the sounds and letters speaking with every wondrous meaning that shakes. The upright mountains rejoiced, and the bereaved laugh with happiness and joy, but he did not prostrate it. This other prostration is in Surah When the Sky Splits, and there is a dispute in it, and Abu Hurair prostrated it behind the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he prostrated in it according to his saying, and when the Qur’an is recited to them, they do not prostrate.

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