The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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They were called to prostrate. There, the people of Al-A`raf prostrated in obedience to God's command, and the scale of their good deeds was outweighed by this prostration and became heavy, so they were happy because it was a legitimate obligatory prostration in that place on behalf of a divine command, so they would enter Paradise.

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It is the prostration of the shadows in the morning and the evening, with general prostration. This is the prostration of Surat al-Ra’ad, and it is according to the Almighty’s saying: “And to God prostrates whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and their shadows in the morning and evening, and the shadows of the souls and their bodies.” So God Almighty informed that those in the heavens prostrate to Him. They are the highest and those who are in The earth, and they are the lower ones, the world of bodies, who carried out the elemental creation voluntarily for the souls in terms of their knowledge and position, and for the bodies in terms of their essence and essence, and unwillingly in the spirits in terms of their essence and in the bodies in terms of their leadership and precedence over their kind .

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This is the prostration of information, so the servant must believe God in his information about the one mentioned, for he is one of the inhabitants of the earth with his body and one of the inhabitants of the heavens with his mind. He is the human king and the royal human, so he prostrates in obedience to his Lord and out of reluctance to restrict him to a special aspect that his knowledge does not require, even if he is prostrating in the same matter as a self-prostration, even if He did not feel that, so he performed it as an act of worship, for that saved him .

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He mentioned the morning and evening due to the extension of the shadows at these times, so he made their extension a prostration, so in the morning they shrink back to their origin from which they emerged, out of fear for themselves of being burned, so it is as if we limit themselves to themselves, and in the evening they extend and lengthen with increases from the manifestation of God’s blessings that He has bestowed on them, and the morning and evening are among the ending times. From praying in it, so he removed the ruling on prostration at these times from the ruling on voluntary prayers and made its ruling the ruling on obligatory or voluntary voluntary prayers, so the following in this verse is obligated to prostrate, and he will be rewarded under the heading of one whose report is truthful to his Lord Almighty .

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The prostration of the highest and lowest worlds in a position of humility and fear is the prostration of this prostration when He says, “And they do what they are commanded.” He mentioned the angels and the shadows, and they prostrated in the customs, a prostration of choice for what the majesty of God requires. Here, God Almighty praised them that they do what they are commanded, so they prostrated in gratitude to God for what He praised. God Almighty told them to do what they were commanded, so they prostrated in gratitude to God when God Almighty praised them for what He guided them to in obeying His commands .

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So the servant prostrated to it, desiring to be among those whom God praised as He praised His angels. For the servant, it is a prostration of humility and submission, for he says, “The conscience vomits its shadows.” The conscience in its shadows refers to the created thing. We have said that bodies are the shadows of souls, so they do not move except by the souls moving them independently.


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Then he said about the right and the left, prostrating to God while they were standing down, meaning humiliation, it is a prostration of humility and submission. So whoever prostrated this prostration and did not see his shadow prostrating to the right if the manifestation occurred to him on the left, and did not witness his shadow prostrating to the left if the manifestation occurred to him to the right and it did not have the effect. In the world of the universe in particular, traces in the presence of the eye are easy to find, and men of power and oaths only appear in their influence in the universe. This is part of the specificity of this prostration.

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The prostration of scholars with what God has deposited in their speech of the knowledge of secrets and tastes, which is a prostration of submission, crying, and humility. And in truth We have sent it down, and in truth it was sent down. And We have not sent you except as a bringer of good tidings and a warner, and a Qur’an which We have separated so that you may recite it to the people for a period of time. And We sent it down as a revelation saying, “And in truth We sent it down, that you may judge by it among the people what They differed concerning the truth, and with the truth it was sent down for its own sake. We have not sent you as a letter to him to whom it was sent down as an explanation of all things except as a bringer of good tidings. You give good tidings to a people of mercy from Him and His contentment and gardens for them in which there is abiding bliss, and you give a people good tidings of a painful punishment from Him and a punishment from Him. Be a teacher

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And a Qur’an and speech that brings together various matters, which We have separated, that is, We have separated it into clear verses in revealed surahs, for you to recite it, that is, to gather it, and to gather over it, people upon people, for a period of time, reciting, reciting, and We sent it down for what is due to him, from veneration to addressing one who does not know his worth. And they have not esteemed God as He deserves. Say, O Prophet. Believe in it, or do not believe in it, or reject it and do not believe in it. Indeed, those who have been given knowledge were given the signs that give certainty and reassurance in things before it, from those like it that preceded it. When it is recited, its verses follow one another in the way that is between verse and verse. They bow down to their chins in prostration, and they fall on their faces, bowing down, as No And prostration is the prostration of the camel prostrating when it has trampled it to ride it, and they say, “Glo

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