The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

On knowledge, he said, “We have given him mercy from Us and taught him knowledge from Us.” It has been reported that God says to His servant, “Call upon Me in a tongue with which you have not disobeyed Me.”

And it is the tongue of people like me who are disobedient, so what about the tongue of angels who do not disobey Me? They disobey God in what He has commanded them and do what they are commanded, so reciting the Qur’an aloud in it is better, for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, recited the Qur’an aloud in it, I mean in the rain prayer.

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A reference to the transformation of the state that brought them from barrenness to fertility, and from a state of frugal living to prosperity, for this is a good omen, just as the people of this Egypt, in their exodus for rain, transformed from a state of arrogance, evil, and denial of blessings to a state of repentance, poverty, and display of poverty and poverty. So they asked for transformation by transformation, and the language of actions is more eloquent than the language of words, for they are those who say that action, meaning, “Our Lord, indeed we have been guided to You, and we have turned back from what we were in of disobedience to You. Enjoying the blessings and what we were in of fertility on the side of arrogance has necessitated for us barrenness and drought, and we hope in Your generosity if it has necessitated for us poverty, humiliation, humility, humility, and fertility. A thing can only be met with its opposite until it is produced .

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If you say, then God Almighty said: If you are grateful, I will certainly increase you. We said: The thankful person in his state of gratitude is the same as his poverty for what he does not have, and it is the increase that is added to him for the blessing he has, and it is an inner blessing, and it is his repentance that God gave him in his inner and outer parts, and it is a blessing that necessitates gratitude, and gratitude asks for more. So the blessing covered him, outwardly with the rain falling, and inwardly with praise for what God had bestowed upon them .

Thanks for the blessing of my Lord, another blessing *** from him to me, for this he asks for thanks.

I am poor and I have nothing but blessings *** from God with which He will send you.

He is rich, and my poverty is a blessing from Him that appeared upon me, so I att

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Do you not see the merchant, the owner of abundant wealth and abundant goodness, who, if what he had was distributed to him and his family, children, and followers for the length of their lives, would be enough for them and a surplus for them, and yet he risks what he has and himself in traveling the seas and fearful roads in order to ask for an increase of a dirham, so what has taken him away from his family and made it easy for him to leave his homeland? And his children and his farewells and his need to ride these dangers except his poverty and his illusion of collecting this dirham in excess of what he has and perhaps destroying himself and his money by drowning or banditry or capturing the investigator with him who happens in an imaginary matter that may or may not happen, so if he wants from this condition he is a merchant and graduates from his superiority and no He must travel, so he should change his intention to another intention, and look at the direction he is heading

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And all of this is from the transformation of situations, for this reason his cloak is changed for whoever seeks rain and whoever is not successful in this vision, for which he has the full reward and correct knowledge. He brought it out what people do today, which is the poverty that he did to seek that imaginary increase that may or may not happen with great abundance. The money that a rich person will have if he becomes wealthy. When he did not have wealth in himself with what he had, and fear for his wealth and poverty caused him to increase, he risked himself and his wealth and was blind to his knowledge that the traveler and his wealth were in short supply. This imaginary poverty bothered him and prevented him from being able to live with his family, his children, and his loved ones, and he was extremely Pleasure and joy in that travel because it gives the illusion of obtaining profits, so the situation of the thankful and his poverty leads him to ask for an increase

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