The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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Whoever likens it to the first Eid prayer, Abd al-Fitr, is an exit from a state of fasting, and fasting suits drought, for the fasting person thirsts just as the earth thirsts in a state of drought, and Eid al-Adha is at the time of Hajj, and the ten days of Hajj are days for abandoning adornment, and for this reason it is lawful for the ihram to abandon adornment, and it is lawful for those who He wanted to sacrifice when the crescent moon of Dhul-Hijjah arrived, not to cut a fingernail or remove any of its hair, and since the earth was not decorated except with flowers, and the flowers were not made except with rain, and these conditions necessitated the absence of adornment, so the barren land with no adornment resembled it due to the lack of blossoms due to the lack of rain, so the prayer for rain was similar to the Eid prayer, so he said takbir. In it, he also says takbir on the two Eids, and the number of takbirs in the two Eid prayers will be taken into account .

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Whoever applies the rain prayer to most of the Sunnahs, voluntary prayers, and obligatory prayers, does not add anything to the known takbir, which is better, since the case of rain praying is one condition and is not of different types. The purpose is to bring down rain, so it does not add anything to the takbir of the ihram, because there is no case in which another takbir is required in addition to it. The takbir al-ihram, so in the takbir al-ihram, it is forbidden to the praying person praying for rain in the takbir al-ihram, all the desires with which souls seek pleasure, and he lacks his Lord in that state, just as water is forbidden to the barren land, which has its life, adornment, and breath. The condition of the servant in ihram is appropriate to the condition of the earth, as it is deprived of fertility .

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In praying for rain, the sermon praises God for what He deserves, so He gives what He deserves, and another praise is given to Him for what He deserves, which is gratitude for what He has bestowed, and the praying one praises God for what He deserves and for what He receives from Him, and it is the one part of prayer that belongs to God. The sermon should be about rain.

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Whoever sees that prayer is a praise to God, he says that the purpose has been achieved, so he has no need for a sermon, and multiplying praise to God is better than limiting it to one situation, because the sermon includes praise and remembrance, for remembrance benefits the believers, and seeking rain is undoubtedly a request for benefit .

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Imitation due to it being the first year of imitation of the obligatory prayer. It was reported from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, that the Witr prayer should not be likened to the Maghrib prayer.

It is disliked for the one who prays the Witr prayer with three things to perform it in the form of the Maghrib prayer, so it is likened to it. Asking for rain on the two Eids is better, so he proposes to her after the prayer, unless there is an explicit text stating that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, proposed to her before the prayer, in which case the text is in it, so it cannot be compared to a Sunnah or an obligation, but rather it is a basis in itself upon which those who permit analogy in the religion of God can be compared. < /p >

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If the Eid is a sermon after the prayer, and the purpose of the sermon is to remind the people and teach them while they are not staying, but most of them dispose of it by completing the prayer, then the sermon about raining water after the prayer is better, because they do not leave until the imam asks for rain with them, because they went out to pray for rain, and the sermon only takes place after the prayer and after praying for rain, so he does not leave. people, so the purpose of the sermon will be achieved

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Do you not see how Abd ibn al-Malik Marwan gave a sermon on the Eid before the prayer, and he was told in the council about that, criticizing his action, and that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not give a sermon on the two Eids until after the prayer, so Abd al-Malik said, “He left what was there, meaning that the people had They left sitting for the sermon, and the Companions would not leave the Eid prayer until the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, had delivered the sermon. Following the Sunnah is preferable, even if only the imam remained alone, because he is not required to do more than emulate, and there is no justification for it. Likewise, if a person finishes speaking to his Lord in his prayer, he praises God in himself for what he said. He turns to Him, so that he does not leave with God in all his circumstances. If he does that, it is like giving a sermon after prayer, so he continues to be busy with God in every situatio

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The person praying recites aloud for rain so that he can hear those behind him, to prevent them from worrying about what they hear from the Qur’an, so that they can contemplate its verses and distract their souls from their thoughts by contemplating the meanings of the Qur’an, and so that they may be rewarded in terms of their hearing. Their good listening to the imam’s recitation may be one of the reasons for the rain to fall, because they performed it. It is obligatory for them to comply with God’s command, saying, “And when the Qur’an is recited, listen to it and be silent, that you may receive mercy. ”

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And the rain is from the mercy of God, and they were not brought out unless they asked for it from God Almighty, and He has promised it to whoever listens to the Qur’an, for the actions of hoping from God are governed by the rule of duty, and the imam remembers his Lord in a group, and he is the congregation in his prayers and supplications, so God remembers him in a group better than them, so it may be. In that assembly there is someone who asks God Almighty to fulfill a need for which this imam and his group have directed him, and they are showered with supplications from that king .

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For the angels say, “Our Lord, You encompass all things in mercy and knowledge, so you prioritize mercy over knowledge because the servants need it, and in good manners with God, for God has given priority to it in giving.

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