The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

There is nothing in existence other than us *** I and he and he and he

So who For us, for us, for us, as for him, for him, for him.

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And when we saw in what we narrated that God gave meeting him the same status as breaking the fast of a fasting person

He said to the fasting person that there are two joys when he breaks his fast because it is the nourishment of his nature and it is the veiled nourishment since the nourisher is God Almighty and joy when he meets his Lord

And it is his true nourishment through which he survives, so he made these two joys for the fasting person in the veil and in lifting the veil, so we organized in honor of the loaf, since it is the usual food for us and it has a spherical shape, which is the best of shapes, so we designated the loaf with remembrance, not other matters in which food is formed, so we said about what God has made subservient to the world in its right. And he sought all his desires in his direction to reach him, for every animal undoubtedly seeks its food, and indeed every existing thing, even what cannot be said, so we said

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If you see a steady walk*** then that is the walk in search of a loaf of bread

Because God has made him a veil *** over His two names, Dominant and Gentle

Through Him and to Him are the trades of offspring *** and the spirits of Gentle and Thick

And harnessing the elements and creatures*** and forming minerals in caves .

And managing Educated female slaves *** by the waves of the sea and the harsh wind

And he cut off his duties in order to compete *** with her livestock by violent marching

So from the honor of the loaf is the oath of my Lord *** upon it for the lowly and for the honorable

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The characteristic that the worshiper performs in his prayers in Ramadan is the most noble of characteristics, due to the honor of the name, due to the honor of the time, so the Truth established his standing at night in the place of his fasting during the day, except in the obligatory case out of mercy for his servant and relief. This is why the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, refrained from performing it with his companions lest it be imposed on them and they would not be able to bear it even if it was imposed on them. They did not persevere in it with this perseverance, nor did they prepare for it with this preparation. Then those who persevered in it in public performed it the best and most poorly. They did not mention God in it except a little. They did not complete the bowing or prostration of it, nor did they recite its recitation. And what is the Sunnah of its Sunnah? I mean, of gathering on one reciter, as people are today. Among the distinguished

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