The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

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There is someone who says that it is the opening takbeer only, and someone that is saying that it is during the ihram takbeer, and when bowing, and when rising from bowing, and who is saying that he raises it when prostrating and when rising from prostration, and this is the hadith of Wael bin Hajar, and who is saying that when he stands up from the two rak’ahs, and it is the narration of Malik bin Al-Huwayrith on the authority of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. And as for me, I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a promising vision, and he commanded me to raise my hands in prayer, when saying the opening takbeer, when bowing, and when rising from bowing. As for the limit to which the hands are raised, some say to the shoulders, some say to the ears, and some say to the chest, and each speaker has a narrated hadith. Prove it to the shoulders, and the hadith of the ears is more proven than the hadith of the chest, and what I go to

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As for the knowledgeable person’s consideration of this, the raising of the hands indicates that what happened in them was dropped when they were raised, so the truth was a teacher saying to him: “If you stand in front of me, stand poor and needy. You do not own anything, and everything that I owned is yours, then throw it away.” Stand empty-handed and leave it behind your back. In your kiss, and for this reason he faces his palms upright so that he knows that he has empty hands because of what was in them. Then, when he puts them down, the palms of the palms return, looking back, and that is the place of what she threw from her hand. Then God gives him in every circumstance, the circumstances of prayer, what the reward for that action requires, and if he possesses it, he abandons it and knows. The right to raise his hands is that he has left him in the place he should have left them, and he has directed a poor seeker, empty-handed, to the divine gift, so He will give it to him as

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In that

Submission is obligatory in every situation to God Almighty, both inwardly and outwardly. If it happens that the servant is to reside in a place where the dignity, power, and greatness of faith would be preferable to the glory, greatness, and power of the believer, then the arrogance and tyranny that contradicts submission will appear in the believer, then in that case The setting is not that submission is obligatory, but perhaps it is better to show the character of what that setting requires. God Almighty said, “It is because of a mercy from God that you were kind to them. And if you had been harsh and hard-hearted, they would certainly disperse from around you. This is a setting in which treatment must be as mentioned.

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