The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

If his imagination is too weak to attach knowledge to it in terms of what His Majesty requires, then the praying person, even if he faces the truth in his qibla, as stated in the text, then as he said, behind them is an ocean. He is the Forerunner and the Guide. For He is the Glory be to Him, in whose hand is the cornerstones of all, the guide to a straight path, and the one who leads the criminals to. Hell is a return to it, to which all matters will be returned. So worship it and put your trust in it, and your Lord is not unaware of what you do.

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Whoever says that it is absolutely forbidden to pray inside the Kaaba, and whoever says that it is permissible in general, and among the scholars who differentiate in this matter between voluntary and obligatory prayers, and each one has a basis for that to rely on.

Considering this in the inner world .

After stating the apparent ruling that was legislated for us and that we worshiped, and we were not prevented from taking it into account after this determination, we say this is the case of the one whose hearing, sight, tongue, hand, and foot are the truth, but in the case of deferring every prey to what you have created for him, this is how the truthful has recorded in his report, and in that is a reminder of whom. He had a heart, and since this situation was reported from the Lawgiver in the authentic report about him, and the revelation of that news to the listener is corroborated by the state of the voluntary prayers and their result for this

The Mess

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Whoever follows this ruling on the surface permits all of the obligatory and voluntary prayers inside the Kaaba, for everything other than God cannot depart from the grip of the Truth, for He is their Creator, indeed their existence, and from Him they benefit from existence. Notables

The speaker says in the presence of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, trembling as he listens

By God, if it were not for God, we would not have been guided * ** Do not believe us or pray

And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, liked that and believed him in his saying

We are in it, Glory be to Him and to Him, as stated in the authentic narration

So if We looked at ourselves and our potential, so we have departed from it, and our potential requires us to look and lack at it, for He is the Creator of our eyes by His goodness from His presence, and it is the considerat

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As for the apparent ruling of this verse, it is that the obligatory prayer is permissible inside the Kaaba, since there is no prohibition or prohibition in that, and it has been reported and proven wherever the prayer reaches you, so pray except for the places that the legal evidence has designated for that, not for their specific meanings, but that is for a description of who performed it, so that amount comes out in its text, therefore. The description and his saying, and from where you left, that is, when you left the Kaaba or from another place and wanted to pray, turn your face towards it, meaning do not face with your face in your prayer to another direction in which the Kaaba is not located, for I will face you there as long as you faced from it, and similarly, if you leave it, I will only face you from it, whether you see it or you are absent from it. Your sight, and it is not in your power to receive its entire essence by itself, due to its greatness and the smallness of

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