The Meccan Revelations: al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya

Inspiring quotes from the Meccan Revelations (... more)

In any form he wants, and any indefinite letter like a letter, it is a letter that applies to everything. So he made it clear to you that the mood does not ask for a specific form, but after it occurs, you need this mood and return with it, for it contains powers that cannot be managed without it. With his powers, it is like the machines of a woodworker or builder, for example, if they are prepared and perfected and finished, they require, by themselves and their state, a craftsman who will do with them what they were made for, and they will not designate Zayd, Omar, Khalid, or anyone in particular. So if someone from the craftsman comes, the machine empowers him by itself, and is not characterized by choice in it. So He made He performs his work with it by applying each machine to what it was prepared for. Some of them are perfect, which is the created, meaning perfect creation, and some are not perfect, which is the uncreated, so the worker decreases in work in proportion to the

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As for the intention, which is the intention, a condition for the validity of this view, unlike the Almighty said, “Then perform tayammum on pure earth,” that is, go to the dirt that does not contain any impurity that prevents its use in this act of worship. He did not say that about the purity of water, as he referred to pure water, not added water, for added water It is limited to what is added to it by the Arabs. So if you say to the Arab, “Give me what was brought to you with water that is not added,” the Arabs understand nothing other than that. And no messenger was sent, nor was a book sent down except in the language of his people.

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, says, “It was only sent down.” The Qur’an is in my tongue, a clear Arabic language.

God Almighty says, “Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur’an that you may understand.” That is why He did not say about intending it in water, because it is the secret of life. It gives

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And after you have achieved this, know that water is two waters, purifying water, distilled, of the utmost purity and purification, and it is the water of rain, for it is impossible water made of dense vapors. Distillation has removed whatever density was attached to it, and this is the worldly legal knowledge, for it is about exercise, struggle, and purification, so purify yourself with it for communion. Your Lord, the other water is water that has not reached this level of sweetness, and it is the water of springs and rivers. It springs from stones and is mixed according to the spot in which it springs and flows, so its taste differs. Some of it is sweet and bitter, some is salty, brackish, and some is bitter.

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